Brittany Holt
ENG 112 WA 13
Assignment: Presidential Essay Draft 3
Make America Great Again “Make America Great Again”, the strategy of Donald Trump. Wealthy, honest, bold, and powerful; a few words that can describe Trump. Can those be the words that describe our next President? Trump can be seen as a chauvinist pig and too honest for Americans. With the 2016 election coming up, America needs is honesty and to step away from the political correctness. Donald Trump stands firm on immigration laws, proposes a solid tax plans and is able to maintain budget controls. Our national immigration policy, a serious issue brought up by Donald Trump. Donald Trump sees this immigration policy as faulty and corrupt. The immigration
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We have workers now competing for limited jobs that once were not limited to the hard working Americans because of the growth in immigrants. “The foreign-born population began to increase again after President Johnson sign the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965- 50 years ago this coming Saturday. The law eliminated quotas and limits on how many immigrants would be allowed into the USA. The act established a system focused on accepting immigrants with family ties in the USA and those with certain work skills.” (Gomez) Trump has given a preview of what his immigration plan would look like if he were to win the election; he wants to deport all illegal immigrants in a humane way to where they would all be happy. When Trump was asked about his immigration plan in a “60 Minutes” Interview on how he would possibly deport over 11 million illegal immigrants he simply said “It’s called management”. Immigration is not an easy subject to tackle but with the right laws and enforcement we, as America, can turn that issue around over time.
The Donald Trump Tax plan, probably his best idea in this debate, recreating tax brackets for the working class Americans. With the president we currently have, we have no middle class, you are either poor or rich. With the Donald Trump Tax Plan he says he would eliminate the income tax for millions of people, lower the tax rate on all businesses
President Trump said he would repeal and replace the ACA “Affordable Care Act”. Additionally, President Trump has promised to reduce the $19.5 Trillion (and growing) debt by cutting spending on all non essential government agencies and add-on expenses that were senselessly added over the last administration. He also said he would convince companies to bring factories back to America, in essence “Make America Great Again”. These are just some of the many promises President Trump has made to the American people. But many of his promises will take a while to come in affect as his plan to alter the course of our country unfolds.
Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign has come at a time after having a president serve for two terms. Americans are eager for change. Donald Trump promises to be the change to fix the nation’s concerns about foreign affairs, and immigration
Trump won the highest number of states and votes in the primaries and stands a chance on becoming America’s next president. The metaphor “make America great again” was created in 1979 during a time in which the United States was suffering from a bad economy with high unemployment and inflation rates. The phrase was used during Reagan's 1980 campaign. Donald Trump vows to "Make America Great
In President Bush’s Address to the Nation Speech the day after September 11 (9/11) in 2001, President Bush wants to inform the country of this tragic event and what was going to happen for the country. President Bush uses rhetorical devices to captures the audience’s attention and to reach this purpose. President Bush mainly use pathos, logos, anaphoras, and personifications to achieve his purpose.
Donald J. Trump outlines his plans to make USA great again through better leadership and action. Too much empty talk, not enough action. We the People are tired of these politicians who talk their way into office and then fail to live up to what they promised. Trump will restore America to its former greatness, a greatness we have not seen since the Reagan years. This book is also a call for the return of genuine patriotism and taking pride in our country. We the People know that USA is the greatest country in the world and we need to put someone in the Oval Office who will actually Lead and put that greatness on display by taking Action.
Donald Trump, a once controversial political candidate, gave his 2017 Inaugural address on January 20th, 2017 when he was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States. Through appeals such as syntax and diction, religion and patriotism, and logic, Donald Trump was able to generate a unifying speech toward his audience. Amidst the growing violence and repercussions of the 2016 election, Donald Trump, in his 2017 Inaugural address, sends the message that he will put America and its citizens first to unite the country and change America for the better.
Immigration is a hot topic, Donald Trump did not start this discussion this is an ongoing issue. The American government cannot ignore the problems society is experiencing with the current immigration policy. The News Week article “Fifty Years Later, the Immigration Bill that Changed America”, shares how the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 changed the face of America. This Act removed the national origin quota system that was established in the 1920’s. The quota system limited the number of immigrant who could enter American based on their ethnicity. Removing the quota was a timing issue, Civil Rights were a hot issue in 1965 and the quota was bias, however removing the quota caused America major problems.
The author of this article about the immigration policies created and enforced by President Donald Trump is Stephen Dinan. Stephen is a spectacular writer for The Washington Times. Although he has worked for a majority of companies, Stephen is the Washington Times’s National Political Correspondent; this means he handles the political aspect in the news. Overall, the Washington Post has hinted a bias towards conservatives, but the author so far hasn’t done much when it comes to bias. This news article may hold a minimal potential bias toward conservatism, but the fact remains that it is minimal. In this article, the main focus is put upon President Donald Trump and his strategy to work around the problems when it comes to illegal immigration
In every presidential administration, immigration policies are significant area of debate. There are many policies that are proposed in Trump Administration due to differing opinion of the administration. Currently policies on immigration include on Deferred Action for Childhood (DACA) which is protecting more than 800,000 immigrants in the United States. Moreover it also includes policies on increasing wages for H1-B visas. (H1-B Visa). Additionally, the Raise Act, (Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment Act, it essentially sends 50000 visas to countries that send few immigrants over to the USA to promote diversity. Trump Administration has proposed to end diversity visas to protect its local citizens and employment. All these proposed changes have both positive and negative impact on GDP (Gross Domestic Product), employment/unemployment rates, government taxes.
April 2015 was the year Donald Trump, the Republican, announced to the public his serious interest in joining the 2016 presidency election. Trump 's highest interest is immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, and states they are "criminals.” He blames the race of Mexicans of robbing Americans jobs, and treating Americans like babies (Miller, n.pag.). What he does not know, is that not all Mexicans are "criminals," and we are not robbing Americans ' jobs. Most of us come to United States to work our hardest, and get a better job. Trump not only is he a racist, but he also has made many unprofessional actions and decisions. We should not be voting for Donald Trump because his ruthless actions against immigrants are strongly affecting our society and segregating most races within each other. He can be a dangerous future president who is carelessly choosing between the white American and Mexican.Trump shows a high interest in segregation among all races and blames most of the unemployed by allowing Mexicans to “take over”.
Inauguration day marks a new beginning. Every four years, Americans officially welcome a new president. Each president has to address the plans, goals and ideas for the future. Therefore, the inaugural speech is meant to be an emotional and hopeful ceremony for all Americans. The inaugural speech sets the tone for the president’s first weeks in the white house. Ideally this speech will encourage those who voted to believe and trust that the right leader is in the office. On January 20, 2017 Donald Trump gave his inaugural speech and through the use of hyperboles, repetitions, and metaphors he aimed to unify the nation and give hope for the future.
“A nation without borders is not a nation, a nation without laws is not a nation, and A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation.” (Trump Reform) is what Trump has seen has problems dealing with immigrants. He also had a speech and in which he went on to explaining why these immigrants are not the best people coming to America. Business insider had an article on Trump and in his speech that he made against Mexican immigrants. Trump stated, “Mexico is "sending people that have lots of problems" to America, including rapists, drug runners, and other criminals.” But that is not the reasons why immigrants come here. They come here to have a better life because the life back home is not what is considered safe conditions to live in. These individuals do not come here to make more
While a constant flow of people coming to America seems like a great idea to most, President-elect Trump thinks the U.S need to limit the people it let in. During his campaign he said he would repeal DACA and kick out all illegal immigrants. His thought process behind this is that it will free up jobs for Americans. Trump is right that it will free up jobs as roughly “8 million illegal immigrants currently have jobs”, but the issue is that Americans won’t have the proper training to take all of these jobs (Krogstad). This will lead to companies not producing what they should and being forced to lay of people. So overall by kicking out all immigrants Trump will be costing many Americans jobs and could lead to another depression. Another thing that Trump has said he will do is build a wall around the U.S and Mexico. This wall will cost millions maybe even billions of dollars, yet Trump has not elaborated on how it will be paid for. He has said he will get Mexico to pay for it and that he has a plan to do it, but nobody knows
In the past years, there have been brilliant presidents, good presidents, and bad presidents, and those that have not met the expectations of the American people and have let the economy slip out of control. Donald J. Trump has the capability to make America great again. Donald Trump would make a great president because he’s honest about his mistakes, he’s a winner, and his experience with business and negotiation will help him later on with making polices in with Congress and foreign affairs.
Will Donald Trump fulfill America’s request and actually “make America great again”? When friends of mine who are Trump supporters inform me that they support him, I don’t understand the reasons why they picture him as our future president of the united states. Donald Trump has never been an elected official. He has never been elected into an office of any kind. He’s never had to broker political compromise or gave any political speeches prior to him running for president. With no experience in politics at all, why would people think he’d make a good president? Sure, Donald Trump is a barefaced self-promoter and experienced businessman. But people don’t realize all of the mistakes he has made as a businessman. Washington, D.C., is not a type of Wall Street or anything for him to lose money or make some reckless decisions that would put our country into a deeper hole that we are already into, and also getting multiple things done within the nation’s capital takes more than a huge personality and a strong will. If Donald Trump is elected to be our president, he’ll have to quickly learn how to deal with his Democratic associates in the House of Representatives and Senate. He’ll also have to get used to the pace of government because there are moments when things can accelerate pretty quickly and also where things can move extremely slow at times. He’ll also have to get used to giving speeches on topics he may not be interested in, especially when it comes to conversations