
Rhetorical Analysis Of Donald Trump's Inaugural Speech

Decent Essays

Inauguration day marks a new beginning. Every four years, Americans officially welcome a new president. Each president has to address the plans, goals and ideas for the future. Therefore, the inaugural speech is meant to be an emotional and hopeful ceremony for all Americans. The inaugural speech sets the tone for the president’s first weeks in the white house. Ideally this speech will encourage those who voted to believe and trust that the right leader is in the office. On January 20, 2017 Donald Trump gave his inaugural speech and through the use of hyperboles, repetitions, and metaphors he aimed to unify the nation and give hope for the future. Trump almost immediately begins the inaugural address by evoking emotion. The argument was …show more content…

Finally, Trump uses multiple metaphors to make very specific points. Trump says, “We are one nation and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams; and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny”. As a result, Trump is trying to unify the nation. In a time where the nation feels divided and political parties cannot seem to agree with each other it is important to remind Americans that the country beats with the same heart. Therefore, this statement is meant to leave the nation feeling inspired to work together to face what is yet to come (Trump Inauguration Speech, 2017). In a time of transition for the nation, Trump tries to leave the audience with a lasting impression. By saying, “So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words; you will never be ignored again” there is an undeniable sense of hope. Trump’s final words are the most important because it concludes the message of hope and unity (Trump Inauguration Speech, 2017). Historically, this speech is going to last forever, therefore, it is important to look at the overall effect. Trump begins the speech with a very sorrowful tone. Hitting major topics such as jobs going overseas, the education system and corrupt politicians. To then slowly transition to a more hopeful and prospering future. The transition focuses on

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