
Analysis Of Ender 's Game By Orson Scott Card

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Ender’s Game is a science fiction novel written by Orson Scott Card and was published on January 15, 1985. The story follows Andrew (Ender) Wiggin, a genius boy who is chosen to attend Battle School in hopes of being the savior of humanity against the alien buggers. Ender’s journey from an outcast into a commander seems to follow the steps of Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey. Joseph Campbell was a writer who discovered after studying stories, religions, and mythologies, noticed similar themes and structures and wrote The Hero With A Thousand Faces (later renamed the “hero’s journey”). The Hero’s Journey described the steps he observed when reading about heroic journeys. The hero’s journey is made up of several phases such as an unusual …show more content…

Add that up with being a third and Ender is already an outcast at age six. “It was not his fault that he was a Third. It was the government’s idea, they were the ones who authorized it- how else could a Third like Ender have got into school? And now the monitor was gone. The experiment entitled Andrew Wiggin hadn’t worked out at all. If they could, he was sure they would like to rescind the waivers that he had allowed to be born at all.” (Card 5). The second stage of a hero’s journey is the call to adventure. Something happens that calls the hero away from their everyday life and into their quest. For Ender, it was when Graff showed up at the Wiggin’s home in chapter three. The removal of Ender’s monitor turned out to be the I.F’s final test to see how Ender handled situations without the aid. Graff arrives at the Wiggin residence to deliver the news and invites Ender to attend Battle School to commence his training. It takes a bit to sway him but he ultimately agrees stating that he was in fact born for the sole purpose. He leaves holding Colonel Graff’s hand and Valentine crying for him to return to her. The two steps of crossing the threshold and the challenges and trials fuse together during the story. Ender crosses the threshold during the fourth chapter Launch, when he along with nineteen other boys begin their journey to battle school. Already he is faced with a challenge. The two unknown figures open up the fourth chapter discussing

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