
Analysis Of Gallup Polls Surveys

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Another counterpoint that can be made is that party identification is amplified during election years, which in turn affects partisan vote that would otherwise dissipate in midterm or off-election years. However, Gallup Polls surveys, conducted face-to-face from 1953 to 1995, provided “no evidence that party identification surges during presidential [or off] election years”. These surveys in both the short and long term attests to the fact that party identification is extremely stable for voters, regardless of the presence of a presidential election year. While it may be possible that partisans vote against their own party, the probability of partisans voting for their party is extremely high. Consequently, if partisan labels do not shift …show more content…

Thus, it is difficult to find a position in which Donald Trump would hold on consistently, which implies that voters only voted for Donald Trump based on his party affiliation and the voter’s party identification since voters often have trouble detailing specific policies of the party in which they identified as a member of. Consequently, party identification, in the sense of self-identification, as opposed to party identification based on ideological stances, has major influence on the voting choice of a particular voter.
The 2016 election, viewed from the lens of partisanship, should not have elicit any surprises from individuals that is familiar with current American political science research. The results of the election only seemed surprising due to the multitude of polls that predicted that Hillary Clinton would win, based on thousands of simulations ran by pundits and pollsters. However, the underlying attitudes, namely partisanship, that drove voters to select Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States, has been consistent throughout the two most recent election that did not feature an incumbent president. Although partisanship, defined by the unwillingness of voters to vote for the opposing candidate, has been highest in this recent election, it is not driven by extreme support for the partisan candidate, but rather extreme disdain and fear for the opposing candidate. Despite numerous events,

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