The article, Are GMOs bad for your health?, by Helen Kollias is very informative, interesting, and engaging.The article explains what genetically modified organisms are and gives examples of different types of organisms that are modified. it also lists the pros and cons of these modifications. The article begins by stating that the topic of GMOs is one that contains lot of debate. It also statesthat it becomes hard for an individual to know what exactly to believe in, therefore there is many missleading information. The author provides and example in the fact that Vitamin A deficiency causes blindness in many children, but a scientists constructed rice called "golden rice" that contains Vitamin A. This golden rice could help clear the blindness
In 1994, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first GMO, Flavr Savr tomato, for sale on grocery store shelves. Uninformed, the people continued buying and consuming the “normal” grocery store products. However, as the number of GMOs in markets increased, the world noticed a higher number of cancers, food allergies, and antibiotic resistances. One reason for creating GM crops is due to the fact that big corporations gain huge profit. In “10 scientific studies proving GMOs can be harmful to human health”, Arjun Walia passionately asserts that genetically modified organisms are extremely detrimental to a person’s health. I agree with Arjun Walia’s claim because a plethora of studies show the negative effects of genetically modified organisms. The world should eliminate the creation of genetically modified organisms because the products ruin the environment, cause economic issues with
GMO’s or Genetically Modified Food is one of the most controversial topics that have been studied and debated for over 40 years. Scientists on both sides of the spectrum claim that these modified foods are safe for consumption, but also some argue that these foods are toxic and very harmful to human life. GMO’s are genetically modified organisms that are created and added in a lab experiment where DNA are extracted from one gene and added to another plant or animal. This allows the genes to mix with the DNA to create a desired product. For example, bigger apples, larger oranges, taller animals, and plants that can survive the changing climate. GMOs are different from organic food and products because chemicals and DNA modification is not needed for these natural stuff.
News reporters, public speakers, and other people use rhetorical strategies for writing and speaking. The rhetorical strategies that could work on me are adapting to my style and use formal authoritative quotes. The way I would influence someone to my way of thinking is by utilizing mainly formal authoritative quotes, and adapting to that person’s style.
GMO’s are commonly misunderstood to be a negative way of producing food but contrary to popular belief they actually benefit americans and help america prosper. A GMO is a crop or livestock animal that has had its DNA altered and specific changes made to receive the desired result. Certain parts of DNA are either taken from or added to and organism to somehow better it. The use of GMOs in not as new as most citizens may think and can be very beneficial. GMOs are used quite often, they can
Genetically modified crops are an incredibly important issue that everyone should be aware of since it is something we are exposed to at a daily basis. Genetically modified crops also known as GM crops or Biotech crops has been one of the most heated debates of issues within our society. The debate about the safety, concerns and disadvantages of GM crops have raged since the mid 1990 's but this is due to the lack of knowledge of the general public. Many people are unaware of what the GM crops actually are and what they offer. Genetically modified crops are plants that are used in the agriculture and have been modified to initiate a new trait to plants that does not happen naturally in the species. These plants are modified using genetic engineering techniques to enhance desired traits. GM crops are made when genes of commercial interest are transferred from one organism to another.() There are many methods used for the production of GM crops but the two primary used for plant insertion are gene guns and agrobacterium tumefaciens. There are also three types of modifications which are transgenic, cisgenic, and subgenic plants. However, there are a number of issues that surround this controversial topic such as environmental, health, and economic concerns. Even though there are some worrying facts about GM crops people don 't realize the advantages or the ways it has helped humans as well as animals. There are many reasons why GM crops are proven
Everybody goes to the grocery store to shop for foods but do they really know what kind of foods they are purchasing. There has been a lot of controversy over whether or not genetically modified foods or organsims are healthy or harmful. A genetically modified organism is and organism whose genes have been changed by genetic engineering techniques. These organisms can include plants, yeast, mammals, insects, and bacteria. The GMO’s or genetically modified organisms are used to keep the plant seeds from changing or growing in different ways. Plants that have GMO’s are grown the same way and same size each time. It is like cloning the seed over and over again. Although the genetically modified organisms can be useful in reproduction, research
GMOS in recent years have become a main stream debate. A debate whether or not they are good or bad for are bodies and the environment. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) is an organism material that has been altered to improve the productivity and product quality. This creates genes of a plant, animal, bacteria and viruses that do not occur in nature or normal crossbreeding methods. About 80% of processed food contains GMOs. GMOs have raised concern in whether they are beneficial in helping humans suffering from famine, improve production of food or create greater problems for our health. They have rapidly spread in the production of food and farming. Having food and mass amount of food is important in life but is having mass quantities
What are GMOs? GMO stands for genetically modified organism, an organism that has had its genes or genetic makeup changed or alter in some way in a research lab. Two ways that scientist accomplish this is through either gene cloning or protein engineering (Phillips, Teresa p.1). Tampering with the genetics of any species, particularly one that we consume into our bodies has unknown effects that have not been completely research enough. We do not know how genetically modifying the foods we eat will affect our own inner bodies and genes. Big research and food companies, such as Monsanto, have put their own bottom-line, or greed, above our health and we are unwittingly being guinea pigs for these companies. Proponents of GMOs say “No, GMOs have helped people, especially in underdeveloped countries”, but let’s look at some of the facts:
In this article, Tamara Thompson asks common questions regarding genetically modified organisms otherwise known as GMOs. She gives a decent definition of GMOs as plant seeds that are modified to resist certain insects as well as harsh weather conditions. It is a very biased article, drawing attention to the company, Monsanto, in particular. She repeatedly assures her readers that GMOs are safe and that Monsanto currently works to the standards of organizations, such as the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA), Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). She concludes with the benefits of GMOs nutritional value and how they contribute to reducing draws on natural resources such as fossil fuels. This article was beneficial, although biased it gave insight to what companies such as Monsanto want the public to believe. I found this article in Opposing Viewpoints with the search entry being genetically modified foods.
In the past 20 to 30 years, the production of genetically modified food has caused an uproar in the scientific community. Genetically modified food or, GMOs are organisms that have been altered to where its DNA contains one or more genes that did not originate in that specific organism. GMOs were created to help the production of crops and to make food healthier for consumers by adding vitamins and nutrients. While some people believe that GMOs are unsafe and should be banned, I believe that GMOs are extremely beneficial to the agriculture around the world.
The title of the google article I found is “The Truth about Genetically Modified Food”. You can find this article at this link Some of the key information points are the benefits and Worries. Like how safe GM foods are for human consumption, and that the farmers worry less due to lower amounts of pesticides. Also in this article it explains how far back GM foods have been in existences, and how some scientists fear releasing finding that may support the negative assumptions about GM foods (Freedman).
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience all about GMO’S in food, including the positive and negative effects they have on us and society.
Aristotle was Philosopher of classical Greece, including with Plato and Socrates. When Aristotle passed away, he left behind a corpus of his work that was in Arab and European worlds of the middle ages and also Renaissance. Aristotle wrote a book for his son Nicomachus which is “Nicomachean ethics.” But Aristotle argues that the supreme goal of any human life is to be happy. Aristotle also describes the necessity of the conditions for a living of a happy life. Aristotle talks about all human activities aim at some good, the science of the good for man is politics, generally agreed to happiness, Good is pleasure, Honour and wealth, and the good must be something final and self-sufficient.
I like this article a lot, it offers a lot of different views of GMO’s. Basically, it first talks about GMO’s and what they are. Then it goes on to talk about the positives of GMO’s and how they are used in successful ways. As you read farther down it has the other side of the argument and that’s some cons of GMO’s. This article would honestly be good for anyone to read if they want to better understand GMO’s.
To examine the things in organisation and make different strategies which are very simple to follow and effective for the competent change. To evaluate the internal