
Mathew Prior's Accomplishments In 'An Epitaph'?

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Mathew Prior has devoted and got satisfaction from literary reputation and has dedicated his time to compose agile poems. However, Samuel Johnson thought otherwise and his input over his writings was, “his numbers are such as mere diligence may attain; they seldom offend the ear, and seldom soothe it; they commonly want airness, lightness,and facility:what is smooth is not soft. His verses always roll, but they seldom flow.” Joseph addison’s overall goal was to throw faint appraisement, acknowledging that Mathew creates writings on known topics in bare comprehensible language. I declare that both of these appraisals of his poetic accomplishments are incorrect and that Pope has predicted that Prior’s attainments in “An Epitaph” when he con-structed, in An Essay on Criticism, True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, As those move easiest who have learned to dance. 'Tis not enough no harshness gives offense, The sound must seem an echo to the sense. I will concentrate my argument specifically over the closing verse in “An Epitaph”. However I will need to display several evaluations over the poem overall. On top of that, I will describe the poems literary history before directing this analysis to the most exceptional part of this satiric poem. “An Epitaph” is a contributor in a philosophical and literary argument that had been going on for centuries on end. It contributes with the traditional theory of otium.Prior was replying to John Promfret’s The Choice.

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