
Analysis Of Les Miserables

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Les Miserables is by far one of my favorite stories/ movies. There are so many underlying views though out. The original author of Les Miserables was Victor Hugo. Victor Hugo himself is a very interesting gentleman that lived in a very complicated time period with lots of political issues, which I believe come out in this movie.
Jean Valjean, is who Hugo chose as the hero of Les Miserables ultimately. However, in the beginning it starts out by portraying him as a bad guy and someone who focuses on his hate. His hate is directed at Inspector Javert, the officer who sentences him to his prison term, which was hard labor. Jean Valjean’s hatred for him, the inspector, and his vengeance tends to only fester throughout the movie.
Once paroled, Jean Valjean discovers the bishop of Digne along his path. The bishop takes him in and gives him a place to stay along food. Jean Valjean decides to steal the bishops silverware. When the bishop discovers that Jean Valjean has stolen his silver he shows him mercy and tells him kindly, “Jean Valjean, my brother, you no longer belong to what is evil, but to what is good. I have bought your soul to save it from black thoughts and the spirit of perdition, and I give it to God”. This explains the importance of forgiveness and ultimately helps Jean Valjean understand that taking vengeance upon Javert, the inspector that sentenced him to hard labor, is not the answer.
The movie shows Jean Valjean’s life from a sinner basically being redeemed by

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