
Analysis Of Lucky By Alice Sebold

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Response to Alice Sebold’s Lucky
In Lucky, Alice Sebold shows how her life was utterly changed when she was brutally raped and beaten in a park near campus as a college freshman when she was eighteen-year-old, how she struggled to be understood by the people around, from family to her friends, and how she tried to recover from the physical and psychological trauma and finally triumphed, getting the attacker arrested and convicted. Just as written in the book, "You save yourself or you remain unsaved."(Sebold, 54)
Alice Sebold’s experience of rape not only caused damage to her own life but also triggered ripple-effect to her friends, her family and many other people in the community. They all played their roles in this event and reacted differently.
The friends almost played the role of companions and helpers. They felt shocked when they knew Alice was raped, some even passed out after hearing this and they tried to give her help as much as they could, such as her best friend Mary Alice coming to the hospital to talk to her and gave her what she needed most, a small smile. But some were foggy and off to the side. They were watching her life as if it were a movie. Knowing a victim is like knowing a celebrity, particularly when the crime is clouded in taboo.(Sebold, 23 ) Alice’s experience also effected the behaviors of her friends, for example, Mary Alice had done instinctively what few people do in the face of a crisis: She had signed on for the whole ride. (Sebold, 27)

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