
Analysis Of ' N 't I A Woman

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Analysis of Ar’n’t I a Woman

There are many books that are written about slavery which tell what happened to African- Americans, and some of them are specifically about black women. Every one of them has it own good part. Among them, the history book Ar’n’t I a Woman is a highly readable work, and the author Debra Gray White focuses her attention exclusively on the place where these two subjects intersect (sex and gender). The source material that is in the book is very interesting, and it lets the reader go deeply into the subject. The author published her book in 1985. However, she revises it so that she could add some newly revealed sources. This book is mainly about female slaves in the plantation South, and it does a …show more content…

The inferiority and superiority between white women and black women was also one thing that White mainly mentioned. Her other point is about how the men think about the black women sexually. White sets the tone with and draws her title from a quote from former slave Sojourner Truth’s 1851 speech at the Women’s Right Convention in Akron, Ohio. At the Convention, Truth spoke, “Look at me! Look at my arm! I have plowed and planted and gathered into barns… I could work as much and eat as much as a man (when I could get it), and bear de lash as well. . . and aren’t I a woman? I have borne thirteen children and seen em mos’ all sold of into slavery --- and ar,n’t I a Woman” (qtd. in White14). White procced to answer truth’s question, as well as others: what are the myth of covering female slaver? Was slavery different for women and men? What were the predictable stages of a female slave’s life? Whom did she turn to in time of need? What was her place in the family? What long -lasting effects has slavery had on black women? The author purpose was to “enrich our knowledge of antebellum black culture and to serve as a chapter in the yet unwritten history of the American black women” (14) she succeeds in greatly. To get to the heart of the female slave experience, White had to examine and dispel the dual myths of Jezebel and Mammy. Jezebel was the antithesis of the “true woman” so lauded in American culture at the time. According to the myth, this

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