
Analysis Of Native Americans In 'The Searchers'

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In the 1900s Native Americans were viewed differently from the other races that existed. Some saw them as savages and animals while others saw them as nothing, a waste of resources and land. They’re portrayed as uncivilized villains in the movies we watch now, but not all Natives were evil and vicious. Natives back then were human and still are today. Some are downright vile and the few that are left are understanding, pleasant, and peaceful. Although both The Searchers directed by John Ford and The Captive painted by Eanger Irving Couse conveys the nobility of the Native Americans, Director John Ford emphasizes Native American lifestyle whereas Artist Eanger Irving Couse views Native American humanity. Due to the distance between the Native Americans and the white men and women, it was seen as morally wrong to have a relationship between the two. In the movie, The Searchers, the Comanche tribe kidnapped Debbie and Lucy Edwards, two Texan farmer daughters, and the nieces of Ethan Edwards. Sadly, Lucy is killed, but Debbie survives and adapts to their way of life. She spends five years with the Comanche because they wanted her to become one of them. The Captive painted by Eanger Irving Couse, shows an unconscious white woman inside of a tipi with a Native staring at her longingly. In the painting, it feels like the painter was humanizing the Native, by showing that he wasn't a savage. It felt that the Native was empathizing and mourning her. Chief Five Crows, the Native,

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