
Analysis Of Nicholas Kristof 's Lecture On September 14th, 2015 Evening

Decent Essays

During Nicholas Kristof’s lecture on September 14th, 2015 evening, he talked about the problems of the world and what are some ways that we can overcome them with innovation. He started with some personal experience of traveling around the world with his family and used that to lead into his topic of human trafficking. It pointed out that it is very prevalent in other countries, but also here in the US. He promoted fixing our country before we start telling other countries what to do. He then brought up his family “pet” which was his Father’s Day present. He got a trained rat in his name that helped him explain the new innovations to old problems. He explained that the technology and the researched knowledge is massive and using that knowledge is crucial to change the world. Later, Kristof explained the idea of prevention before need. He backed this motto up by presenting the ideas of deworming children to increase school attendance, girls getting sex education knowledge and using contraceptives, and early childhood education. All these had the push to do something before it is a problem and how being proactive saves the public money. He has these ideas to help those who are too poor to live and cannot afford the advantages of certain luxuries. Kristof ended the lecture in promoting change and fighting for a cause. He mentioned to volunteer and take action no matter how old or young a person may be and focus on a cause that means something personal to the individual so that

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