
Analysis Of Nonconformity Is Skin Deep

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Isn’t it baroque to have tattoos on our bodies to display? Not only can a tattoo spruce up our flesh, but it adds personality. Tattoos modify a person's self-esteem and body. David Brooks' article Nonconformity Is Skin Deep explains how wearing a tattoo became a way of self-expression and even a part of the consumerism. Brooks emphasizes on the idea that many acquire tattoos to be part of a social group and to have (as he sarcastically says) something to talk about with others. Brooks compares tattoos to the dark and edgy underbelly of each tattoo-wearers personality. With the growing numbers of tattoo-wearers, it is evident that Brook's opinion on tattoo's as mainstream, unoriginal, and that it is obtained to be part of the social norm, …show more content…

The article makes us think about the concept of self-expression. As the article indicates, there may be some hipsters who think tattoos have become a victim of consumerism that even a child can wear without any second thought. But also, there are people who enjoy the boom of this latest trend as one type of body art. However, self-expression includes not only expressing who they are but also expressing who they want to be or what they dream of. We have seen people gain confidence by owning luxury goods or feel sexy by wearing high-end clothes. Not all drivers of Hummers are big, strong, and powerful. There will be some people who lead trends, while others follow them. When Brooks says “tattoo-wearers will talk (and talk and talk and talk) about how their tattoos make them feel” but non-tattooed people can’t help but ask. Non-tattooed people have the curiosity to talk and talk and talk about tattoos. However, if self-expression is understood as portraying individual identity, differed from others, then wearing a tattoo as a fashion trend no longer becomes a unique identity.
Brooks inadequacy to provide support for his argument lack evidence, since his assumptions were implausible. Brooks indicates we work under the assumption that every American has a tattoo. He mentions a study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology which addresses “24 percent of Americans

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