
Analysis Of ' Nurses ' Verbal Support Of Nulliparous Women During Second Stage Labor '

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Critique of Borders et al.’s Study (2013) “Midwives’ Verbal Support of Nulliparous Women in Second-Stage Labor” Title The title of this article was succinct and specific, including the phenomenon under study (verbal support in second-stage labor) and the population (nulliparous women). Although the title seems to imply that the study is qualitative in nature, it does not overtly state this, and for some readers, it may be helpful to point that out. Also, the term “nulliparous” is not a word used often in the general vocabulary of everyday people, and warrants the use of a dictionary for most people to determine which type of women were included in the study. It may have also been more beneficial to mention the additional comparison of …show more content…

Research Questions Although the authors do not come right out and say it, the study focuses on a single question they quote within the introduction which states, “If there is no good reason in theory or in practice for hurrying the second stage of labor, why has the habit been prevalent for so long and why does it still exist? (p. 311)”. This appears to be the driving question behind the entire study and is only apparent once the reader has read the discussion section of the article. Literature Review The authors have done a thorough literature review and presented their findings by starting out with some important statistics about typical supportive care during the birth process, and elaborating on the last 50 years of research done on the types of pushing efforts and how they related to the outcomes of the births. It reflects on the role of midwives as being supportive of spontaneous pushing by the mother and the positive outcomes for those women and children. They did report on a recent meta-analysis which supported the use of spontaneous pushing and only recommended directed pushing in certain hazardous situations. The authors’ review of the current literature affirms their claim that there have been no studies done to analyze the role

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