
Analysis Of Old Testament And Christianity

Decent Essays

1) clearly describe/summarize the content of the reading and (2) offer a brief critique of the content of the essay/reading. The student should especially attempt to answer the following basic questions:

1. What is the core topic/issue addressed in the reading?
2. What main claim or thesis (or claims/theses) is made by the author of the reading?
3. What subtopics are addressed and what key points are made regarding each subtopic?
4. What are some positive insights offered in the reading?
5. What are some difficulties or unwanted implications of the ideas presented in the reading?
6. How do the issues, ideas, and themes presented in the reading affect how one might integrate the themes or concepts of the Old Testament into contemporary life …show more content…

In the paper “Old Testament and Christianity” written by Michael Robinson, he explains both the differences and agreements with relationship to Theology and Divine Law. Even with this controversy, the Christian belief is that there is only one God, He is the creator of everything, and that the Bible is the word of God.

Theology Throughout Christianity there are essential theological agreements, these core beliefs can be traced back to early Jewish beliefs and are reiterated in both the Old and New Testament. These core beliefs about God are:
a. There is only one God
b. This one God is the one revealed in the history of Israel
c. God is Creator
d. God is almighty, sovereign, Lord of all
e. God is righteous and demands righteousness from humans
f. God is merciful, long-suffering, loving, and acts in history to save God’s people
g. God is faithful to the divine promise and covenants
The core beliefs about humans are:
a. Humans are creatures of God
b. Humans are in God’s image and valued by God
c. Humans are obligated to honor and obey …show more content…

Much of the New Testament not only refers to Jesus as Lord but Jesus also is described as having the same attributes as the Hebrew God. This was obviously a great paradigm shift for Hebrews living during and after the time of Jesus. Many of the writers in the New Testament seemed to purposely reinforce this idea of Jesus is Lord. Jesus never directly called himself God but in John 14:9 he said, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father”.
Divine Law Many Christians do not understand the laws, rituals, and practices in the Old Testament and had many ethical disagreements with them, such as sacrificing animals and circumcision.
Essential Ethical Agreement Many of the principles from the Old Testament carry over and are easily agreed by Christians. The examples given are:
a. God is holy/righteous and calls humans to holiness/righteousness
b. One should love God and love one’s neighbor
c. One should obey the essence of the Ten Commandments
d. Importance of both personal righteousness and social justice (care for the poor)
e. Prohibition against sexual

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