
Analysis Of Paul Pleas With The Corinthians

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Putting pen to paper, Paul pleas with the Corinthians to better themselves through Christ Jesus. While in discourse with the Corinthians, the polemic language of Paul becomes, at times, difficult to digest. While pursuing a better relationship with the believers in Corinth, the apostle often used terms such as ‘we,’ ‘our,’ and ‘us.’ These pronouns can be understood in multiple ways; however, the manner in which they are comprehended sheds light on Paul’s agenda. In the analysis of 2 Corinthians 4: 8-18, the pronouns are best understood as being inclusive in terms of Paul, his followers, and the believers in Corinth.
According to a study by Brown, the apostle Paul was likely born in approximately 5 to 10 AD which was during the reign of the emperor Augustus . Paul was a melting pot of several different cultures. At the time, the Hellenistic movement was sweeping the Roman empire; thus the Greek and Roman cultures both had their influences on citizens. So, too, Paul’s parents were of Jewish descent; while he was young, they sent him to Jerusalem to study under a Pharisaic instructor . The intermingling of a multiplicity of cultures renders Paul a very diverse teacher.
With the ability to assimilate to various aspects of the universal Roman society, the apostle is able to relate to and address many different types of people. This aspect of his life makes Paul able to apply the collective ‘we’ when instructing believers of opposing backgrounds. Likewise, after his conversion

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