
Analysis Of Puritans In Upon The Burning Of Our House By Anne Bradstreet

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When most people think of the Puritans, initially they may think quite negatively. Though this is not inaccurate , the Puritans do have some positive traits. One notable admirable trait is now devoted the Puritans were to their faith. These people unquestionably followed God no matter what. In Upon the Burning of Our House, the author, Anne Bradstreet, not only describes the event of her house being burned, but the emotional aftermath of the fire. “A price so vast as is unknown,Yet by His gift is made thine own;There‘s wealth enough, I need no more,Farewell, my pelf, farewell, my store. The world no longer let me love, My hope and treasure lies above. “ Essentially, Bradstreet writes about how she is not distraught about her house being burned,

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