I’m Jhon Guarin the owner and private coach of Radix Soccer Training; my vision is to help soccer players gain their edge in the field by providing individual training that focuses on improving their technical, tactical and physical attributes. My mission: To improve the game, one player at a time. The idea of creating Radix Soccer Training came from looking at the amount of players that at the youth, High School and College level grow up learning the game but not perfecting their skills or improving their weaknesses. In order to be a great soccer player this 5 attributes must be in effect:
2. Mindset
3. Game Intelligence
4. Team Player
My goal is to help players achieve the next level and in order to do so they
The order of these exercises on the specific days were chosen in the most logical manner to start the week off with a more intense load and end on Friday with a light day to prepare for a weekend game. Each exercise reflects a component or mimics a movement used by the soccer goalie during a game.
Our goals for the midfielder are to improve endurance and enhance lactic tolerance. We also aim to improve the athlete’s lateral quickness and anticipatory skills, and build the players body to maintain during the physical beating of the season. Most importantly our goal is to improve his performance, speed, agility, and quickness.
Over the years, playing soccer has taught me what it takes to succeed. From months of tough practices, I have gained a hard work ethic. From my coaches and fellow teammates, I have learned to work well with others in a group, as it is necessary to cooperate with teammates on the playing field. But most important, I have also gained self-confidence. If I fail, it doesn't' t matter if they mock or ridicule me; I will simply try again and do it better. I realize that it is necessary to risk failure in order to gain success. The
Learning how to play soccer can mean a lifetime of good fitness, healthy competition and team skills. These seven essential soccer drills will help you to learn, or teach others, the game. 1. Running Drills Because soccer involves long bouts of running up and down the field, it's important to have the stamina and strength to run for long periods of time. Butt kicks engage the hamstrings, which are essential for keeping a steady gait.
The game of circle ball consists of a lot of short explosive bursts of energy. For example, sprinting to defend or jumping up to catch the ball. It is a team game but I am going to look at how I can improve an individual’s performance as a defender. Within the game of circle ball there are many demanding factors an individual has to cope with, these being your psychological and physiological state, nutrition and biomechanics. I will produce a needs analysis by taking one major part of each factor so it is more in depth and I can get the best out of the performer in each area. I will also be including a range of academic literature and scientific evidence to back up my opinions and theories. The needs analysis will be in action after the first
“Practice makes Perfect” Soccer is a sport that requires hours and hours of practice in order to obtain the technique need to play at a high level, making the game much more enjoyable to watch and to play. In the article “What Video Games Have to Teach Us”, the author James Paul Gee explains how “Good games operate at the outer and growing edge of a player’s competence, remaining challenging, but do-able…Since games are often challenging, but do-able, they are often also pleasingly frustrating, which is a very motivating state for human beings” (4). When this thought is compared to soccer it can be noticed that soccer is one of the most technique needed sports, every single thing that is done on the field whether its dribbling, passing, shooting,
SACE Research Project Outcome Jack Mina Why is speed so important in the game of soccer and how can I as a soccer player increase my speed? In the game of soccer, Speed in the game of soccer is a very important attribute to have. Having the ability to get to the ball first and beat the defender is crucial. As of speed being very important in the game of soccer I look to explore as to why speed is so important in soccer and also exploring how to increase my speed through mastering the sprinting technique and increasing explosive power.
A large number of people in this world often assume that only natural athletes become admirable athletes. When in reality, the utmost idle individual can become an exceptional athlete with the aid of hard work, dedication, and practice. The changes don't all have to happen at once. Small-scale steps could be taken to become a star athlete. For example, becoming a star soccer player could begin with simply practicing ball control. That being forenamed, an average teenager can become their schools most powerful, sturdy forward on the varsity soccer team by practicing ball control as their first step.
Matches are the focal point of the sport, the release of built-up willpower, tension, and training in a dizzying ensemble. They are what the herds of raucous and anxious spectators come to watch, and what newscasters and television channels come to capture for millions to see. However, they are but a fraction of the bigger picture. In preparation of an average game, we would practice on average five times for a few hours each. And that was just at a more amateur level. At the professional level of soccer, players practice multiple times a day, nearly every day. It is where skills pertinent to winning are gained and how the necessary physique needed to perform physically is maintained. Albeit, this is not the only important aspect of practicing. Bonds are formed among players as well as between players and coaches. Mutual respect and trust are forged, which are just as crucial to have as kinetic training or equipment. Soccer is a team sport, one in which you will not get far without working as such. Teammates, much like warriors and soldiers, must have absolute trust and confidence in their peers. They must be wise and selfless, knowing when to pass the ball or make the shot themselves, or
What are the basics? Anyone can study something about anything if they understand the fundamentals of what it is. Why would you play a game for 90 minutes with barely any reward other than maybe 2 or 3 goals the whole game? In order to play this game, it takes discipline, if you were to mess up numerous times throughout the game, it could be the difference in winning or losing just similar to any other sports game.
Everyone in their lives has low points, but the best way to get through them is me not giving up. This story represents a perfect example of that, therefore, this story is for everyone having a bad time.
Today was a great opportunity to shadow and be further educated on performance training. Today at my internship, I observed sport performance coaching as well as was educated on the principles of performance coaching. Before prepping for the College Prep class, all the interns met with the supervisor of Athletes Arbor to go over what do performance coaches do and why they do what they do. From this meeting, I learned that performance coaches are movement coaches. They focus on making their athletes faster, stronger, and more explosive opposed to a strength and conditioning coach who focuses more on building an athlete's strength as well as conditioning their athletes to get in shape for their season.
I started playing soccer when I was eight years old. I was first introduced to soccer at a YMCA day camp and fell in love with it instantly. This camp played soccer a bit differently they had all the same rules and regulations, but played it on black top. I immediately wanted to dive into the sport and learn everything I could about it. I was taught soccer by being shown how to do it at a league called NASA (National American Soccer Association). Here I was taught all the parts that make up soccer and how to use the right techniques to make mold me into how I play today.
Scoring,kicking,passing and sportsmanship are the most important thing in soccer!Let's start with the supplies,they are cleats,soccer ball,shin guards also a water bottle.Once you have the supplies you need to learn some skills like Dribble the easiest of them all and juggling when you're using your feet kicking the ball up and down,passing is when you use your foot to kick the ball gently to your team mate,shooting is when you're ready to score a goal,hook back is when you use your foot to bring the ball back to you.
Any durable coaching process must contain three elements: managing expectations (the game plan), monitoring performance (watching the play), and giving feedback (time out). Expectations must be agreed upon both in output terms and in terms of the behaviours demanded. The criteria for success must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bounded. (S.M.A.R.T.).