
Analysis Of Stephen Stills 'For What It's Worth'

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Event of the 60’s inspired Stephen Stills to write “For What It’s worth,” the song then was released months later by the group Buffalo Springfield according to the article Closing of club ignited the ‘Sunset strip club’(Cecilia Rasmussen). The riot is also known as hippie riot. The reason it is considered the hippie is that the protesters were young rock and roll fans, some were student and some of them wore long hair. The reason behind the protest was that residents and business owners had encouraged the passage of a 10 pm curfew. This is to reduce loitering and the traffic in that area. In 1966 there were a bunch of peaceful youthful protests going on in the Sunset Strip because of a club getting shut down, and the police started beating them during one of the protests. This is usually connected to the Vietnam War because it was made around the same era, and this song is very much about peace and rebellion, which was the vibe during the Vietnam era. According to Rasmussen fliers contained information about the protest were distributed earlier that day. And the protest began with the protester blocking the traffic peacefully until a group of off duty marines showed up.
Even thou the song was inspired by the event previously mentioned. The song became one of the protest song in the 60’s, the reason is that the lyrics of the song pretty much described the events that took place in the 60’s and early 70’s. Due to the Vietnam War protest happened all over the country. Many

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