
Analysis Of Stone City By Grant Wood

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Stone City by Grant Wood was created in 1930 by using oil on wood panel. This painting illustrates a lot of visual elements and principles of design which are important components of an artist’s work. Visual elements and principles of design help draw the viewer’s eyes to certain aspects of the painting and they tell the story of what the artist is trying to convey. This analysis will highlight the visual elements and principles of design that are present in Grant Wood’s Stone City. The use of lines in Stone City is one of the key visual elements in this painting. The artist used many contour lines to define the boundaries between the trees and the valley, the river and the land, and even the long roads from the hills as it winds through the countryside. Wood also incorporated a lot of implied lines into his artwork. The trees and bushes that line the hills create a line of sight which draws the eye of the viewer to the house on the river, which is the focal point of this painting. The lines all move in different directions and help the artist highlight different aspects of the painting. Around the city and in the foreground of the painting the artist uses a lot of horizontal lines, which gives the town a calm sensation. As we move away from the city, we find a lot of vertical lines which denote growth. We also find a lot of diagonal lines which imply action in the painting. The diagonal lines are predominantly used by the artist in the creation of the roads and

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