
Analysis Of The Article ' On ' A Aging ' By Carol Mcmahon

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How To Stop Aging
By Carol McMahon | Submitted On May 03, 2011

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Expert Author Carol McMahon
Are you aging unnecessarily? Answer these questions and find out: Do you see gray hair as loss of youth (as opposed to loss of pigmentation)? Do you describe how you feel as "young" or "old," rather than "energetic" or "tired" for instance? Do you see an "age spot" on your hand or face where you once saw a "freckle?"

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Aches and pains taken in stride at eighteen, meet with: "Just as I thought, old age!" Doctors tell us no one dies of old age. Our concept, however, dictates what 's real, and we see otherwise. Some dentists suggest duller yellow teeth for elderly patients.

Under the spell of the concept we accept them. "Own up" to age and age owns us, but the problem goes far beyond negative thinking. The program tells us what to do. It says: "act your age," and we obey with grave consequences for health.

"Act Your Age!" Health Damage Caused By The Age Concept

Not long ago finding that people in their nineties can build muscle made front page news. Why did the finding surprise us? It surprised us because it violates our concept of aging. "Gradual deterioration" sets up expectation of irreversible loss in muscle mass, bone density, lung capacity, balance, flexibility, etc. Obedient to the concept, we "act our age,"sitting sedentary, deteriorating according to plan. Inactivity precipitates decline in a vicious circle, but no matter how limiting and self-destructive, we conform and age to the letter. We succumb more to the concept than to age itself, even though all the while, the concept is mistaken.

The Error In "Aging"

Age as gradual deterioration is a self-fulfilling prophesy. The concept itself however, is mistaken. Ancient wisdom offers a more realistic view. It maintains that disuse, not "age," is the cause of deterioration. In this view: "that which is used

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