
Analysis Of The Book ' 9 / 11 '

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Throughout the history of USA, 9/11 has been one of the worst tragedies that could have happened to the people of this country.
No one could say it only have been 15 years since the time when the lives of many people, who had the misfortune to be in that time and place, at that exact moment, would stop forever in their memories. Everyone were affected in some way or another, since that was the day when all USA dressed for mourning and held one minute of silence for those innocents who died unjustly.
9/11 had thousands of stories that were not counted, hundreds of nameless heroes who were not recognized but have earned a special place in the hearts of the people who were saved for them and whom will be eternally grateful. I want to tell the story of one of those "nameless heroes".
One common day my family and I were having dinner at the table, as usual, my stepfather, Gonzalo begins to tell one of his many story, but on this occasion something was different, this time he was not the protagonist of that story, but a friend of his when he lived in New York. His name was David Smith, he was one of the firefighters who were sent to the twin towers after the terrorist attack occurred.
This tragedy happened on a day that supposedly was going to be the most memorable for his wife and him, they were celebrating their anniversary. But something happened, his unit received an emergency call, told them they needed to go as soon as possible and take all their equipment, they were told

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