
Analysis Of The Book Anthem By Ayn Rand For Summer Reading My Freshman Year

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Introduction: How’d He Do That? Memory, symbol and pattern affect the reading of literature by causing the reader to focus on details of the story that are crucial to the understanding of the literary work itself. Symbolism allows the writer to entice the reader to find a meaning, and it may even be open for interpretation. Pattern is often found when one distances themselves from the details of the story, to see what lies beneath the characters, drama, or plot. Memory is when the reader relates the work to another of sorts in their own respect. My appreciation of symbolism in a literary work was especially evident when I was assigned the book Anthem by Ayn Rand for summer reading my freshman year. As a dystopian novel about a fictional society, this book was chock full of symbolism. The real breakthrough moment for me was at the end of the novel, when it became evident that the reason the pronoun “I” had not been used throughout the entire novel was to symbolize the ideal that in a communist society, or a society similar, there is no sense of self or self-worth due to each citizen working for the “common good of the general public/entire society” instead of working to be better or wealthier as an individual. I was rather confused for most of the book by the use of the word ‘we’ in place of ‘I’, however, but when this detail was revealed, it made the entire story come together and finally make sense. Chapter 1- Every Trip Is a Quest (Except When It’s Not) The five aspects

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