
Analysis Of The Book ' Meridian ' By Alice Walker

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Alice Walker once said, “No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies you the right to grow.” Due to the extreme patriarchal society based in the sixties era, women’s voices were often disregarded and silenced. In the historical novel Meridian, by Alice Walker, the main female protagonist, Meridian, struggles to comply with the harsh patriarchal systems set in place in her community, in turn, she uses her silence as a form of resistance. She has various encounters with a man named Truman, whom she is in love with, but fears she’s not good enough because of the color of her skin. She begins articulate her thoughts and acting without explanation. To replace her silenced voice, Walker uses third-person omniscient and characterization. Meridian is a woman with endless thoughts and questions that she neglects to voice or ask. The root of Meridian’s resistant manner stems from the uncomfortable power struggle she has with men, like Truman, because of the expectations of women in the sixties. Men were placed above women and women’s opinions were deemed irrelevant. The author’s usage of third-person omniscient reveals Meridian’s subconscious thoughts during moments where her voice is overpowered by a male character. For example, “She was also tempted to add white exchange students. But how polite she was!” (Walker 108). In this scene Meridian runs into Truman and begins a dialogue about his beliefs. Meridian is embarrassed by Truman’s infatuation with white women

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