Cameron Lurcook
Dr. Michael Allen
Political Science 306
September 21, 2015
Drezner Reaction Analysis In Daniel W. Drezner’s book, Theories of International Politics and Zombies, Drezner explores the theoretical impact a zombie apocalypse would have on international relations. In his exploration of ideas, Drezner analyzes the approaches of different types of feminism disciplines to a zombie apocalypse. The two feminist ideas he explores are liberal feminism and post structuralist feminism. Drezner however, ignores the idea of a radical feminist approach in a critical time such as a zombie apocalypse. As an important discipline and idea around feminism, Drezner’s lack of acknowledgement of this idea proves to be hurtful to his argument of the reaction of feminists as a whole to a potential zombie apocalypse. I will apply radical feminism to a zombie apocalypse to better understand Drezner’s focus on feminism, and contrast these ideas with those explored in the book. I am to explore the differences between radical feminism and the two feminist theories Drezner focuses on, liberalism and post structuralism.
Daniel Drezner explains the ideas that many feminist’s share: the world is vastly different for women than it is for men. The gap between the genders is to the detriment of women. Radical feminist would concur with this point. Radical feminism centers on the idea that the suppression of the female gender is the main focus of all oppression within the world (Rowland and
Feminists today are viewed as raging, man-hating bitches, but feminism in its true sense simply advocates women’s rights. While there are extremes on either side of the scale, most feminists fight
The definition of radical feminism, as defined by Sylvia Walby, is one that sees sex and sexuality “to be socially constructed around male notions of desire, not women's” with domestic violence used as a tool for enforcing male dominance (Walby 3). Radical feminism believes that the plight of women is not because of any social class, race, or background, but due entirely to gender (Walby 4-5).
Radical feminism, starting around the 1960s, sought to eradicate male supremacy. This wave of feminists believe that men are the main source of oppression and if you eliminate patriarchy, then everyone will
On the other hand, radical feminism is a form of resistance feminism, which means their issues primarily lie within patriarchy or men’s dominance towards women. They argue that patriarchy is found wherever men and women are in contact with each other. They believe that patriarchy is almost impossible to abolish because to be superior is an attribute that most men have acquired of is already “built” into them. And whether it’s consciously or subconsciously, these traits are applied into their privileges that Western society has given them (because they are men) and displayed within all the different aspects and occupations in their lives.
Feminists believe that women are unequal to men, and the different groups think it is down to different reasons. Liberal feminists think it is because it is down to gender role socialisation. Marxist feminists believe it is down to capitalism. Radical feminists think women are not equal to men because of relationships within the home, and black feminist think they are unequal not just because they are women, but also because of their skin colour. All groups of feminists also believe that women are subordinated due to patriarchy, (the idea that males are dominant).
Feminism is most often thought of as a method used for educating society on the rights of women. It teaches that men and women are equal in every way both civil and societal. Charlotte Bunch, realizing that this is not always the case, also defined feminism as "a way of looking at the world a questioning of power and domination issues". A great deal of feminists attempt to ignore the ideas of a stereotypical women and move them away from people who don’t. They fight to find, study, and do away with biases in a world filled with ignorant men who see women only as objects and not equals. There are however, women who announce their immense intellect, wealth, and vibrant and free personalities to those who oppress them. A woman
Radical feminists- the aim was to challenge normal values of society and at the end this resulted in the rights been divided between the two genders. According to radicalists they believe that based on whether you are male or female will state how powerful you are in society.
Men and women are supposed to be equals. Women are supposed to share equal rights and opportunities with males, but sometimes women experience discrimination and face inequality. (It’s not only women; people of different genders/sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and etc. face discrimination still to this day). Some look at this world as if it is a man’s world, and women were put on this Earth to help their husband, have kids, and raise their children. Well, women can do more than that! Not only men, women can be leaders and hold high positions too. Women can go into male dominated professions, and be successful. When feminism comes to mind the first thing I think of is the women suffrage movement. Then I think of the 19 amendment and how it gave women the right to vote (a right we should have had in the first place). Susan B. Anthony is a well-known feminist who believed that slavery should be and would be ended, and not only that she pushed for women to have the right to vote (the right they had been denied at the time). I also think of the early 20th century in America, and several things that happened. There was Margaret Sanger, who in the early 1900’s pushed for people to be educated about sex (sex education). Also, she pushed on the topic of contraceptives which at the beginning many people didn’t like the idea of at first. I also think of women like Coretta Scott King who not involved in the Civil Rights Movement, she was also a feminist. She also had a part in the
They believe and argue that since patriarchy is so pervasive and deeply entrenched in our societies molding our thoughts and attitudes, our assumptions and our basic institutions. Some radical feminists, such as Adrienne Rich or Mary O’Brien have focused on the special roles of females as mothers and caregivers, arguing that women must be relieved from having the sole responsibility or must be in control of them. Others such as Kate Miller highlight the violence that is perpetuated against women by focusing on domestic abuse, sexual harassment, rape, pornography, and the objectification of women. Most radical feminists believe that the construction of gender by a patriarchal society is responsible for the subjugation of women and henceforth should be rejected. Consequently some advocate for androgeny, which is the encompassment of both female and male traits as a treatment for the subjugation of women. Overall radical feminists advocate the rejection of the constructed
Feminism is considered to be controversial due to its beliefs and ideas. People tend to question what feminism does and how it affects others. To those who support feminism, believe that the movement gives them a sense of empowerment, purpose, and unity. However, those against the movement, strongly feel that the movement is nothing, but a radical idea and its purpose is to hate men and to create an overwhelming domination of women. For many women around the world, feminism is a way to express and speak out about how women are treated and to support the idea that women deserve to be treated equally to men. For most feminists their goal is to create equality between males and females and to resolve not just the issues that
It is the idea what the male will always be the dominant character and will always be in charge of the important decision. Women are treated almost equal to children. “Women are conditioned to a passive sexual role” (Heywood 242), Radical feminists seek to abolish the sexual roles which have been assigned to women; they seek to exterminate that image of the dominance of men over women in rap videos and movies. The main issues of radical feminism are women's liberation, patriarchy, gender equality and sexual politics. The progress in which feminists occur to achieve is set back daily by the media and individuals such as Lana Del Rey.
"Feminism isn't about making the women stronger. Women are already strong. It's about the way the world perceives that strength." -G.D. Anderson. Feminist theory is a mode of analytical thoughts and actions of women's ideology that are excluded from society. Feminism constructs the difference in knowledge, social change, and spiritual influence of human existence. (Robbins, Chatterjee, Canda 2006). Feminism constitutes gender, as it acknowledges the different forms of feminism by examining categories of race, class, and sexual identity that exist. The theory opposes the perception of women and another group that can influence the dynamic of the dominant worldview.
Radical feminists strive to create a society free from any gender inequality by completely abolishing the cultural notion of gender. To look at these three forms of feminism an observer would be ignorant to discard feminism as having no legal influence, as it is clear to see from these that support for such movements is vast and comes in various forms, all of which attack the same enemy, patriarchy, albeit in differing manners. These differing methods are accentuated by recent developments and movements in society, particularly in the 20th Century these can be clearly highlighted by looking at the actions of the suffragettes in 1910, which illustrate a more active approach to campaigning. As previously mentioned feminist legal theories are a contemporary
According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of feminism is” the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities” How dare us women ask for equality? Does that make us man haters? The definition of feminism debunks all the misconceptions that media actively wants us to believe in. Bell Hooks, gives us an insight of the definition of radical, and reform feminism in her book “Feminism is For Everybody”. Per Hooks, radical feminism is to transform the existing sexist system “Revolutionary thinkers did not want simply to alter the existing system so that women would have more rights. We wanted to transform that system, to bring an end to patriarchy and sexism.” (Hooks 4). On the contrary, reform feminism believes in altering the existing system”From its earliest inception
Like Liberal Feminism, Radical Feminism seeks to end partriarchy. However; In contrast to Radical Feminism, focuses more on the issue of men’s oppression of women rather other social conditions. The crux of this perspective is sexuality which is seen as the locus of male power Mackinnon (1989a).