
Analysis Of The Canadian Magazine Dispute

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The topic I’ve chosen this week is the Canadian Magazine Dispute. I find the complexity of this topic fascinating. To outline the issues presented in this dispute would help give you a good idea how I see this particular dispute. First, before the advent of commercially used satellite systems, able to transmit information across international platforms and/or borders, there wasn’t a huge issue presented in terms of relative productions costs and such. The article describes how the Canadian magazine market includes 89 percent foreign producers. It also describes how a government committee was formed called the Special Senate Committee of Mass Media, and they concluded “magazines constitute the only national press we possess in Canada. …show more content…

It stands to reason in some remote locations, as in reservations are isolated and may not have access to national television or cable networks. Keeping a Canadian content message is important. In America’s free market approach to media one can gather there are many, many versions of events, including global or otherwise that might be skewed from the facts. It seems to me by pushing American media, potentially political messages onto unsuspecting consumers could and can have drastic effects on ordinary Canadians. On that note, I definitely can see Canadian magazine producers using political pressure on the government. Almost to the point of quid pro quo and politicians bending for those with the power of the pen. But I honestly believe it was more in terms of attempting to keep things fair. In the sense, American magazine producers can manufacture at much below the cost that of Canadian magazine producers, based on economies to scale. As soon as American magazine producer encroach into the Canadian market, it will be next to impossible to push back, taking into account the purchasing habits of ordinary Canadians.

About the question if Canadians prefer American Magazines, should they not be able to purchase them with their own money, if they so choose. That’s a great question because

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