
Analysis Of The Cherry Picker By Kevin Gilbert

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The long ombre coloured grass sways in the wind, the crunching of leaves under every heavy step encouraged the chirps of beetles and surrounding wildlife. This was Kevin Gilberts home; his place of birth rests on the muddy banks of Lachlan River. Gilbert was born to an interracial couple; a Wiradjuri mother and an Irish father. Despite only having 5 years of formal schooling, Kevin Gilbert learned an exceeding amount about the struggles that he would soon face, the prejudicial judgment and repression of his race.
Although his childhood and early life was anything other than ideal, his distance from not only the Caucasian community, but also his own aboriginal heritage contributes to the insightful and experienced works of his poetry.
Throughout Kevin’s life, he rarely received the appreciation that he deserves for all the hard work he completed. For that reason, and the obvious dedication he had for Aboriginals of all generations, along with his compelling poetry, to which adjusted the mind set of many of the national citizens, he is the rightful nominee for the Indigenous Poetry Australia Award.
Kevin Gilbert has numerous poems, among other literature such as his playwright “The Cherry Picker”, that express vital events and significant aspects of the Aboriginal way of life. Gilberts most famous poems are as followed; Shame, Tree, The Black Drunkard, children dreaming and his poetry book - Black from the Edge, which was an assembly of poems and literature that resulted in

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