
Analysis Of The Film 'La Haine'

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1. “La Haine”, is a French word, which translates to “The Hatred”. There is much significance of the title to the entirety of the film. To the characters specifically, it has different meanings. For Hubert, the oldest of the trio, he has a hatred to his “situation”. He is living in a place where he can never progress, just remain in the same social class, the same neighborhood, the same financial struggle, the same friends, etc. There is no way to achieve more, and thus his hatred is formed. Hubert hates the fact that immigrants and their families are cast to the banlieues where there are no opportunities. Within the banlieues, the police are constantly intervening in their day-to-day lives, robbing them of any freedoms or joys. …show more content…

3. The themes of desperation, frustration, and loneliness can be seen within the three main characters: Hubert, Vinz, and Saïd. There is the sense of desperation with Vinz, he has a desperation for safety and justice and believes the only way to achieve this is by owning a gun. He clings to the gun as if his life depends on it, because to him, it does. The gun is the only safety net he has against the police officers or anybody else that wants to cause him harm. Hubert also experiences desperation because he wants to be better than the banlieue, he wants to be better financially. Saïd is also desperate for respect and power and seizes any opportunity in which he can achieve that. For example, the scene with his sister, where he tells her to leave. He clings to that moment, because he has a sense of power. Frustration is also common among all three characters. Hubert feels it the most since whenever he tries to take a step forward, he gets brutally shoved back into his corner of the banlieue. Vinz is frustrated with the injustice everywhere, constantly being attacked by the police and seeing his neighbors and friends killed without anybody batting an eye. Saïd’s battle with frustration is more juvenile than Hubert and Vinz. His frustration is of feeling small and insignificant and being told what to do constantly. The loneliness can be seen with the

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