
Analysis Of The Girl Who Loved The Sky By Anita Endrezze

Satisfactory Essays

“The Girl Who Loved the Sky” by Anita Endrezze was my chosen poem; A story of a short-friendship among two girls. Imagery is used by Endrezze to illustrate the inside of the second grade classroom both of the girls attend. As well as a simile to compare the main character’s feeling toward numbers, I believe to be mathematics perhaps, “I learned that numbers were fractious beasts with dens like dim zeros”(Endrezze 15). Suggesting an unpleasant or rather difficult feeling towards subjects dealing with numbers. Furthermore, Endrezze explains the relationship between the two girls to be one out of empathy, possibly, “I had no father; she had no eyes”(29); disclosing the main character’s lack of father and her friend’s lack of sight to be a reciprocal

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