
Analysis Of The Little Rascals

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The Little Rascals is a movie made in 1994 that is an action thriller. This movie was a very popular film during its time and continued to be a great story. During this film it is about a group of children that are playing the main roles in this movie as it based around the main character Alfalfa is falling in love with the brunette Darla. As they try to get away and make time for themselves, the friends of Alfalfa, that made a club called the “He-Man-Women-Haters”, try to take their love away by vandalizing their relationship by altering different things that Alfalfa was trying to do for Darla; for example, they put soap in his water to make bubbles come out of his mouth when he was singing at the talent show for Darla. This is the main plot line of the story that happens quite often throughout the whole movie. As they continue to do this throughout the movie in the end, Alfalfa and Darla have become a relationship that even Alfalfa’s friends can accept. The characters in this movie is Alfalfa played by Bug Hall, Darla played by Brittany Ashton Holmes, Alfalfa’s friends Spanky was played by Travis Tedford and those are some of the many characters, but these are the main characters that have the biggest impact on the plot line. Also the composer of this film is William Ross and he composed this score in 1994. Continuing the setting of the movie it was made in California as well as the place in the movie that it took was Califonia, because the story really was not affected

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