
Analysis Of The Military Intervention In Syria

Decent Essays

In this article, Bellamy explores the argument that the failure to intervene in Syria is due to the controversies in Libya. Bellamy argues that there is no substantial evidence to backup this line of reasoning. Bellamy contends that the reason behind the UN paralysis on Syria is credited to the politics surrounding the conflict than the concerns about R2P. Although the main argument of this article is focused on the political issues surrounding the R2P in Syria, the main part I will draw from this article is its discussion on the military aspect between Syria and Russia. Similar to Stent (2016) this article overlooks other aspects that have contributed to the inaction of the UN and international community towards Syria. However, Bellamy …show more content…

The main limitation of this article is that it was unable to provide a sound reason of how a UN resolution would have transformed the situation as long as military means are not incorporated. Nonetheless, this article’s argument is useful as supplementary information for my research essay since it confirms how significant the role of state’s strategic and geopolitical position play when it comes to deciding whether to intervene or not. Paris, R 2014, The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ and the Structural Problems of Preventive Humanitarian Intervention, International Peacekeeping, vol. 21 no. 5, pp. 569-603. In this article, Paris examines the assumed link between military intervention and the desired result of preventing or ending mass atrocities. Paris uses the case study of Libya as an example to point out the five fundamental structural problems in this logic of military intervention to end the killing of civilians. This article is useful for my essay since the article provides a counterargument against academics that argue in defence of the R2P. The argument highlights how most literature on R2P is focused on the normative and legal issues, rather than focusing on the practical complexities of how an armed intervention could protect civilians in conflict. Moreover, he provides a good explanation about how the non-consensus on the Syrian matter can be credit to the debated legality of humanitarian intervention and R2P. The

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