
Analysis Of The Poem ' Lessons From The Assembly Line '

Decent Essays

3-2 Assignment 1 Milestone 1 Submission Writing Plan Draft
When I revisited “Some Lessons from the Assembly Line”, the author 's goal has changed for me. It has expanded and became broader. Because I see now that the author is trying to show the readers, the lessons he learned while working his summers away on the factory floor. Adjacent to that propose the author wanted to show the readers the different ways he learned the lessons, which made him appreciate his opportunity to go to college. My evidence for this is when the author refers to, “These lessons I am learning, however valuable, are always tinged with a sense of guilt. Many people pass their lives in the places I briefly work, spending 30 years where I spent only two months at a …show more content…

Issues like downsizing and overseas relocation had always seemed distant to me until my co-workers at one factory told me that the unit I was working in would be shut down within six months and moved to Mexico, where people would work for 60 cents an hour”, in this statement he gives the readers reasons for factory work being a hard way to live. Lastly, this statement he made, “The things that factory work has taught me how lucky I am to get an education, how to work hard, how easy it is to lose that work once you have it are by no means earth-shattering” the author is giving examples of the different lessons that leads to my main claim about his purposes for writing his article. With that being said my potential challenges will be to prove the author 's purposes for writing Some lessons from the assembly line. Adjacent, to helping the readers attain a more detail vision of this article. In addition, to convincing the readers to agree with my view of the key points of Some lessons from the assembly line by using evidence from the article itself. Like the author being taught lessons that made him appreciate his time spent at college. I will use evidence such as the author 's

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