
Analysis Of The Poem ' London Will Never Be The Same Again '

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Two days after:
It was gone, everything was destroyed. After what happened, London will never be the same again. I remember everything, but by bit. It all happened so quickly. A blink of an eye and everything was gone. R.I.P London.

1 week before:
The crisp summer air filled the local park as the vivid sun glistened in the sky. One could hear magpies tweeting and dancing across the horizon. The unbounded vault of celestial blue was hemmed with silver. Trees stood as majestic as soldiers, whispering sweet secrets to each other. The luscious emerald green grass was a carpet, as soft as wool and the clambering, azure river was muttering and lisping through the mossy park. The salubrious, Spring aroma drifted and whirled from the primroses …show more content…

A hail of bullets whizzed and whistled through the rayless and spite filled sky. My life was ebbing away.

The theatre of death filled up with keening and caterwauling sounds as the sodden earth became oily with ichor. Titan-red blood spurted from wounds as men groaned and shrieked in pain. A nervous tic flickered beneath my eyes as fear settled on me like a tidal wave.
The effluvium of death was all around us. The river had been baptised in blood and the bitter, mordant perfume of corpses emanated from it.
Abruptly, the bridge split. The cars poured down one after the other as if it was a waterfall. It was chaos. People ran to safety from different directions, confused to what happened, whilst other people stood there watching, carelessly.

Bewildered, I ran to "Mandin Café". It was all over the news. "Breaking news! There has been an explosion in the River Thames but police are not sure what has caused this. Here 's Mark Evans with further information live in London.”
“Good evening. Live from the River Thames. As you can see, there has been an massive explosion including a boat. There has thought to be a bomb inside the boat which was set off as it was crossing under the London Bridge. This explains the damage of the biridge. It has been discovered that Amanda Nicolles, Justin Madner and Mimi Malows have unfortunately died in this tragic accident but there are over 20 people who have suffered severe, catastrophic

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