
Analysis Of ' The Second Sex '

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I n today’s society, the human body is placed on a pedestal for the world to critique. Both women and men are seen as individuals that are supposed to act, dress, and look a certain way. If they falter, they are seen as strange and sometimes called names; this is especially true for women. According to society, man is woman’s better half, and many philosophers have shown interest in this correlation. Beauvoir, in her book The Second Sex, she talks about how women are the “other” and are seen as being less than men are. Also, Young explains in her paper, Throwing Like a Girl, how men and women approach certain obstacles differently. Along with Young’s, paper a company called Always made a promo #LikeAGirl and put into practice what Young states in her paper. Though these philosophers and company have tried to push for woman equality, other companies, such as Hardies, have stopped their efforts. So why do we see women as the lesser half? It is because, how we see the human body, particularly women, is in direct correlation to where and how we are raised. Before you can describe what the difference between men and women is, you must first understand what it means to be a woman. As Beauvoir explains in her book The Second Sex,
“Everyone agrees there are females in the human species; today, as in the past, they make up about half of humanity; and yet we are told that ‘femininity is in jeopardy’; we are urged, ‘be woman, stay woman, become woman.’ So not every female human being

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