
Analysis Of To Joy My Freedom By Tera W Hunter

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In the book To Joy My Freedom by Tera W Hunter, the stunning Hunter demonstrates the beautiful contributions of African American women in United States to the Black freedom struggle, and the nourishment of the African American group, the Black women had to confront and overcome dual cruelty- prejudice and sexism. These African women at this time went through a lot, the range of job opportunities for black women was narrower than for men. Freedwomen tasted real freedom when they fought back, in contrast to Resistance and domination; the clashes between the two are similar to the clashes between Washington and Dubois. I fully agree that freedwomen struggled to materialize freedom and understanding the tension of dominations and resistance by …show more content…

Still, raping the mother, wife or daughter of a black male, sent a strong message to him that in reality he was far less than a man, and that the women being raped were not ladies worthy of protection. A year after the war ended, a couple of Black men grew angry and wrote a petition to demand the termination of sexual assault upon black women. They were mad that they were mistakenly accused of raping white women when white men were totally free from sexually abusing black women, “ All we ask of the white man is to let our ladies alone, and they need not fear us.” (34) One does not have freedom at all without having freedom over their bodies. Black women struggled also in a sexual manner as they were placed in a situation that caused them mental pain. The tension of domination and resistance as black women developed a tactic of survival from. I believe that the conflict of control and resistance as black women proven schemes of survival, by quitting of jobs in household labor to control their lives in the office. The self-esteem during this time has greatly affected the behavior of the freedwoman. Wages began to sink low and continued to plague them in doing domestic work, they were basically slaves with a fake freedom status. Laundresses during the 1891 showed signs of dislike to how they were treating. Risking their job to knock some sense into …show more content…

Woman like the Colored Working Women and Laundry Women specified, “ For the purpose of uplifting their class and color, to make better their conditions in social lines,”(131) this basically states that they wish to place the African American in a good position and increase their own wages. People don’t remember but, Domestic work was part of the founding of the United States of America, and domestic work was the main focus of women’s occupation for most of this country’s past. If consent, for example, is considered a vital correct of a citizen, the right to have a voice in the making of laws that could offer for even simple freedoms, such as the freedom to travel or own property, then women did not possess full residency until 1920s. While African American males were allowed the right to vote under the Fifteenth Amendment, laws limiting their admission to ballot box and physically bullying at the polls greatly comprised their citizenship and

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