
Analysis Of Toni Morrison 's Song Of Solomon

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The term “coming of age” does not always refer to the obvious state of adulthood. It does not always coincide with society’s definition of an adult and adduces more to the psychological and moral growth of an individual. In life, experiences and influences are said to be the factors that help in developing ones character. Things that on the surface may not seem to have lasting effects are usually the most impressionable of situations. Though personality traits derived from cultural experiences are often seen early on in life, they can continue to develop and evolve even into adulthood. And it is in adulthood where realizations are made subsequently due to these very situations. It is also apparent that age does not always commensurate with maturity, for with maturity comes understanding. Influences also play a major role in a person’s character development. Influences also can affect temperament, personality, disposition, motivation, and initial perspectives and reactions. This sagaciousness was thoroughly expressed in the novel Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. This novel delved extensively into the coming of age of main character Macon “Milkman” Dead.
The nickname milkman was derived from an uncomfortable and rather odd situation. As being breastfed by his mother Ruth, way past the age of normalcy, the townspeople used the pet name to describe the situation as they saw fit. The over extension of the breastfeeding lends itself to the queer idea of an incest consanguinity.

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