
Analysis Of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea

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Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea In the story Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea by Jules Verne, a professor named Aronnax and his team decided to set out on a mission in interest of a so called monster that has been attacking ships in the past. In hopes of capturing the monster, the plan did not end up so well for Aronnax and his team. The monster struck the ship they were on and sent them plummeting into the water, without the ship members realizing they were gone. His crew found something in the water and pulled every one up onto it, not realizing what it was that they were climbing on. Before they knew it, they got pulled into the monster itself. The author used diction throughout the story to create mood and develop tone. The author changes the diction based upon the situation. For example if an event is energetic than mellows down into a calm, soothing activity, the mood or tone of the character you are reading about will change dramatically, from speaking in an energized tone, to a calm and mellow voice. This happens throughout this story. From the beginning of the story, with Aronnax and his crew going on a journey in a fortified, organized mood, towards the middle where they get captured and the mood gets energized and more entertaining. This change happens very quickly. Towards the beginning of the story, Aronnax becomes very interested in this “monster” people have been calling it, attacking ships and causing distraught towards many people. Therefore as Aronnax being a curious person, got hooked immediately. He speaks fluent French and English, and speaks in a fixed, proper tone towards his partner Conseil. “We will see to them presently. I will give orders to have our menagerie forwarded to France.” (13) The mood is laid back and more mellow as Aronnax talks to Conseil. As he speaks to many other people as the story goes on, the tone he is speaking in is not so formal or mellow as it is towards Conseil. Later on towards the middle of the story, after they got knocked viciously off of the boat, the tone changed drastically, as in the word choice used by Aronnax. The words being used now in the story, are not as formal as they would have sounded at the beginning. “Calm yourself, Ned” (41)

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