
Analysis Of Yum's Social Responsibility Program

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According to YUM, they have a unique culture that's filled with energy, opportunity and fun. YUM believe in its people, trust in their positive intentions, encourage ideas from everyone and actively develop a workforce that is diverse in style, perspective and background (YUM, n.d.). YUM operates according to the values and philosophy of people capabilities first. YUM believes that all of its employees can make a difference in the future and success of the company. YUM also believe in pursuing knowledge and best practices inside and outside our company. YUM encourages the practice of working with excellence and urgency. Lastly, recognize its employees for achievements and help its work force achieve greatness. YUM boasts on scouring a positive 81% of its employees based on our 2014 results (YUM, n.d.). …show more content…

YUM states that it is a company with a heart and makes food accessible to the hungry (YUM, n.d.). YUM participates in the World Hunger Relief in which the company has donated more than $35 million in cash and food donations, provided 140 million meals and more than a billion impressions globally (YUM, n.d.). YUM also tries to raise awareness by using an approximate value of nearly $500,000 in public service announcements, advertising, public relations, web-based communications and in-restaurant promotional materials (YUM, n.d.). YUM also participate in many nonprofit organizations events as volunteers and encourage its employees to

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