For years the government has failed to fund the programs that provide healthcare to Veterans. Many Veterans under sixty-five are without care and, have disability problems and are very sick. The U.S. has great military medical facilities but, they need help getting for medical supplies and, to pay the doctors who work there. The United States government needs to provide more funding for the programs that help the nations cherished Veterans.
The U.S. has the best healthcare facilities in the world. One of them is the Veterans Administration Health Care. If the U.S. is going to have the best facilities, the government is going to have to figure out ways to bring in more money for healthcare to the Veterans. It cost money to help Veterans, especially
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is an executive division of the U.S. federal government responsible for programs and policies to veterans and their families. It was established in 1989 in which it succeeded the Veterans Administration formed in 1930. By the same token, the VA also operates a medical care program that includes nursing homes, clinics, and medical centers. Located in West Palm Beach, Florida, the veteran health administration medical center is a teaching hospital that provides a full range of patient care services, with state of the art technology; as well as, education and limited
In 1636 U.S. veteran administration hospitals were made to help and take care of the war veterans that come in injured or ill. Also, the bills for this should be taken care of so there are no worries for the most part, but none of this is happening the way it should be or how the system was created to be. Veterans are turned away and avoided by the U.S. veterans hospitals, they have a big thirst for money that has not been quenched and because of this, the veterans that come in are not being treated properly and this effect is turning out very negative.
It can be seen that the mental conditions that veterans return home with is the biggest issue facing veterans today. Whether it be depression, a TBI, or PTSD, a mental problem could prove to be deadly. It definitely is not easy for the veteran who has it. These valiant soldiers fight for their country every day, and return home to be rewarded with lack of respect and poverty just because they did not come back as the same person that they went in as. The government is constantly finding ways to support veterans, but it is not always enough for those with mental problems. For these veterans, the government needs the support of the people. The veterans took care of their country, and now it is time for their country to take care of them.
Living in the Hampton roads area has a huge military community with not only one of the largest Naval shipyards, but also one of the largest area of veterans in the Nation with over 220,000. With such a large number of veterans and the number continues to grow everyday causes some issues not only in the Hampton Roads area but also around the U.S. One of the major issues we run into being veterans is our health care, you would think living in an area with the largest consecration of veterans we would have the best clinics and largest hospitals, but that is defiantly not the case. We also have some of the worse health care in the nation, they are more concerned with pumping vet’s full of drugs and not fixing the actual problems that they have.
I agree with you that the reason a lot of veterans are not using the VA health care system is because they live in rural areas and it is not easy for them to access the VA clinics. I feel that is it is important for health care providers and nurses to follow the questionnaire from one of the slides. By asking the patient this it can be determine what resources may apply to them and how they can go about accessing them.
One reason why I think that America can take better care of their veterans is by making it easier to get health care. Health care is offered for veterans through the VA but it takes time and can be a very difficult process to acquire. I think that Veterans should automatically be given health care after their service is over because they deserve it after risking their lives for America, so America should protect theirs. In past experiences I saw a man struggle because he was diagnosed with cancer after his service, but could not get the health care from the VA because it is a long process and takes a long time to get it. I think veterans should be able to automatically receive health care after the service
PROBLEM: Veterans being let go from service without appropriate long tern help. Leaves unthinkable large numbers of Veterans helpless without knowledge on how to fit back in to the world they left behind, so they become homeless. This problem is out of control.
In today's society where opinion matters, people have been extremely vocal about the lack of support the government has provided to our veterans. Many feel as if the government should do more, while others feel as if they are doing enough. Everyone will have a difference of opinion no matter if they have severed in the military or not. No matter how one may feel, is extremely important to take care of our veterans. As they have sacrificed their lives, time, and family to protect our country. Contrary to one's belief, the government provides a substantial amount of programs, which support the veterans. Honestly more could be done. On any given day you could see women and men standing on the corner holding signs implying they are homeless veterans and will work for food. A few programs the government offers our veterans are funding for mental health services, The Wounded Warrior Project and Vocational Rehabilitation and Education, which will be discussed throughout this essay. When you research the programs, they make it sound as if all proceeds are going towards the best treatment and care money could buy.
The issue of veterans’ health care has dominated public discourse for many years, with various statistics
One of the most serious problems facing all veterans today is the lack of proper healthcare. Soldiers, sailors and airmen are leaving active duty without having proper healthcare to cover their physical or mental injuries. The department responsible for veteran’s healthcare is the Department of Veterans Affairs. (VA) According to The department of Veterans Affairs website, “The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a government-run military veteran benefit system with Cabinet-level status. It is responsible for administering programs of veterans’ benefits for veterans, their families, and survivors. The benefits provided include disability compensation, pension, education, home loans, life insurance, vocational rehabilitation, survivors’ benefits, medical benefits and burial benefits. It is administered by the United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs.” The VA, who was formerly called the Veterans Administration, was established 21 July 1930, to consolidate and coordinate government activities affecting war veterans. The VA encompassed the functions of the former U.S. Veterans ' Bureau, the Bureau of Pensions of the Interior Department and the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. On 25 October 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed legislation creating a new federal Cabinet-level Department of Veterans Affairs to replace the Veterans Administration effective 15 March 1989 (V.A.)
Funding is the first hurdle that has to be overcome in order for all veterans to receive proper healthcare. The nation is not spending enough money on veteran healthcare programs. Our fighting men and women earned their
In sum, the Veteran population growth from the last 15 years has swelled to astronomical numbers that the VA has not seen since WWII. The resources needed to take care of this population is going to take millions to set right and the fact that there is dishonesty in the claims that some veterans receive is disconcerting but social worker helping this population should never let up in helping to veterans receiving their legal rights to that benefit given to them by law.
The VA (Veterans Affair) Health Care System is one of the largest, most advanced health care networks in the U.S. The VA Health Care System is the provider for veterans, retirees and their dependents and manages all their health care. The VA Health Care is actually one part of the Department of Veterans Affairs. There is also VA Benefits Administration which has to do with compensations and pensions. Then the other part of the VA is the National Cemetery Administration which is in charge of the cemeteries and providing burial and memorial benefits. All these parts make up the Department of Veterans Affairs. (VA History)
The Veterans Health Administration is the largest health care system in the U.S., with 92 million visits between 6.4 million patients in 2013. The VA has been blasted in the media lately due to various problems, some would argue that it should be dismantled others reformed. A veteran should not be forced to deal with the political posturing and backbiting that goes along with any bureaucracy. The Veteran Affairs or VA must come to grips with the problems it faces, an insufficient amount of health care workers to handle the increasing number of patient visits, a mismanagement of funds and services, and ineffective, unqualified or just plain poorly trained employees.
Veterans are not receiving proper care from the United States Department of Veteran Affairs. Veterans are not being