
Essay on Analysis of Columbus State Musical Concerts

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I’m in love with music because it always seems to make my day go by better. Rap, recitals, jazz and classical concerts top in my music preferred list. My passion for music made me very excited about going the Columbus state musical concert held in the River Center of Performing Arts In the Legacy Room. The theatre is located in a nice location giving the audience a full range of sound and sight. The sounds are incredible and I really loved how I could hear everything. The stage can be seen from any place that one decides to stand on. For this particular concert, the venue was dimly lit. The concert staged was adorned by different musicians, with their amazing performances.. The audience could not help, but dance and sing along with the …show more content…

The second performance that I attended was probably my most favorite. Having a background in playing the trumpet watching a listening to Christian Gordon play was simply dazzling. On Saturday October 2nd his trumpet produced a buzzing sound that started a standing wave tremor in the air. The sound produced by the blowing of air through his closed lips electrified the room. He started his piece with a loud but mellow sound arrangement that to me sounded different and had a very peculiar start to a trumpet concert. But as he continued you could actually feel the tone of the song to change very slowly, his piece in the art of song was very emotional almost like a roller-coaster. In all it really intrigued from his crazy start to a relaxed middle and a soft end. In all his performance was great, his ability to control the trumpet and its vigorous demands really amazed not only me but the crowd as well, to him you could tell it was comforting when the crowd gave him a standing ovation. The last performance I attended was put on by the Columbus State University Assembly it was held on Veterans Day November 11th. Even thou I wasn’t able to stay for the full thing I was able to see the students preform the Japanese composer Toru Takemitsu’s Sacrifice. Chant I began with the lute, which, with the hard-edged, projective playing that

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