Robert Frost’s poem defines ones elation rotating to understanding. In “The Road Not Taken,” he describes what many people encounter daily with decision making. This poem talks about choices we make by comparing them to a folk in a road that may seem less or often traveled. Many people are confronted with choices in their everyday life, which could affect them long term whether it is negative or positive. The options we decide on can determine what our future and present life holds whether it is good or bad. In Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken”, Frost uses a fork in a road to symbolize a road often and rarely traveled. These roads are daily decisions we make each day and are surrounded by consequences.
In this poem, it describes
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The poem also explains roads that are often traveled. Just as there is a path we will less likely travel there is a road we will often travel. For example, we are always trying to figure out where we belong whether it is in a popular, unpopular, or normal life style. Each day we are faced with peer pressure whether it is to wear a certain outfit, listen to a certain type of music, or play a certain sport. This leads to groups of friends and social groups that may influence our daily behavior whether we know it or not. Frost wrote on line six, seven, and eight, “Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was glassy and wanted wear” (Booth, and Mays, 2011). I believe it means the road seems easy and the grass seemed greener on the other side, so they traveled to this side to accomplish an easier path. An example would be choosing to rob a store in order to feel important or popular because it seemed like the way to get attention. Just to find out that this way ended in a jail house behind bars. People make decisions to follow people and their choices whether it was good or bad. In the end, the decision we make can determine the road we travel later on in life.
Frost stated, “I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference” (Booth, and Mays, 2011). I believe this means he decided to take the
Frost wrote this poem about how a person took a walk and had to choose one path or the other. Both paths seemed equally worn and leafy. However when looking back later the narrator begins to think that maybe he chose the path less traveled.
"The Road Not Taken" is one of the number of Frost's poems that has endures through the years. Frost is well known for his reflective and philosophical nature within his poems. "The Road Not Taken" is both about actual roads as well as paths in life. The first person narrator of the poem describes his decision-making process as he takes a walk or hike in the outdoors. The narrator literally comes to a point in his journey where the road he walks splits; his most important choice for his current journey, as well as the entire journey that is his life comes to a crucial juncture. The poem and the author intend for the reader to engage with the experience of making choices in life. Readers may consider that the everyday choices made in life have literal, direct, and immediate results, yet each of the small choices additionally
The speaker decides on a path. In lines 16-20, Frost writes “I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. As I mentioned earlier, the speaker sighs in line 16, wishing he could have taken both roads. He opted to choose the grassy road that wanted wear (line 9). The speaker reflects back on this decision, noting that his choice has made all the difference in his life. To me, this last line reflects contentment and gratification in his earlier life choice.
Frost shows the readers that it is hard to choose something without knowing what will be the result, thus he wants to try both of the options to decide on something, when he says “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,/ And sorry I could not travel both”. Whole poem is constructed of this metaphor, and every line refers to something in life. In the last part where Frost says, “I took the one less traveled by” he implies the idea that people wish to be different from others, thus they are prone to choose the option which had not been chosen by many other people. Instead of saying that he was having hard time deciding on a thing to do, Frost chose to use the metaphor of a road, which forced the readers to use their imagination to understand the real meaning behind what he
In life, we encounter many decisions, and there are times where we have to let fate take the lead. Every day, we face diverging roads to choose from and as humans, we’re forced to make a decision about which road to take. What is decided may more or less be based on our personal beliefs, priorities, mood, and so on. Decisions and actions are what shape our future, for everything in our life is a reflection of a choice we have made. ‘’The Road Not Taken’’ by Robert Frost is a profound poem which relates to this concept.
In Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”, Frost shows the everyday human struggle to make a choice that could change the course of one’s life. In his poem, a person has the choice to take one road or the other. One road is worn out from many people taking it, and the other is barely touched, for fewer have taken that road. Throughout the poem, the speaker learns that just because so many other people have done one thing, or walked one way, does not mean everyone has to. Sometimes you just have to go your own way.
The poem “The Road Not Taken”, focuses on the theme of choices. Frost accomplished the theme by using conflict and imagery. Every single person, at one point in their life or another, faces a fork on the road that causes a conflict. Conflict on choices, begins an inner battle within one’s self and it causes turmoil. For example, the quote “Two roads diverge in a yellow wood, / And sorry I could not travel both (Frost line 1)”, the narrator in this poem has to make one choice; he has to go either one direction or another in life and he cannot look back. The choice itself
In the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, the narrator comes to a fork in the road where two paths diverge. He must decide whether to take the easy route which has been well traveled or to take the untarnished route which will have bumps and overgrowth. The narrator takes his time and looks down both paths before deciding. He decides to take the harder route, thus sealing what is portrayed as a more successful future for himself. He does have second thoughts but realizes that he must continue with the path he has decided to take. The theme of this work is portrayed in the statement that choices define the one who makes them. He ends with “I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference” which corresponds to the untitled GIF found on the website Giphy. In this GIF, a young lady cries as someone offscreen tells her that her choices will define her future as she grows up.
In the Robert Frost poem ‘’The Road Not Taken’’ there is a pervasive and in many ways intrinsic sense of journey throughout. In such, the poem explores an aspect associated with human decision, or indecision, relative to the oxymoron, that choices with the least the difference should bear the most indifference, but realistically, carry the most difficulty. This is conveyed through the use of several pivotal techniques. Where the first such instance is the use of an extended metaphor, where the poem as a whole becomes a literary embodiment of something more, the journey of life. The second technique used is the writing style of first person. Where in using this, the reader can depict a clear train of thought from the walker and understand
Frost implies that “the path less traveled” means that this is the path he is thinking of taking.
Robert Frost's poem “The Road Not Taken” describes a traveler faced with a choice of which one of two roads to travel. He knows not where either road might lead. In order to continue on his journey, he can pick only one road. He scrutinizes both roads for the possibilities of where they may take him in his travels. Frost's traveler realizes that regret is inevitable. Regardless of his choice, he knows that he will miss the experiences he might have encountered on the road not taken.
Choosing the right path to take can be extremely crucial and difficult. Especially when each choice looks equally appealing. Sometimes it is hard to make a choice when the outcome is unknown, but at some point, a choice must be made. In the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, there is an idea of the path that was taken and the path that was not taken, this can be interpreted in a metaphorical sense or a literal sense. This poem offers a significant life lesson by using metaphors, imagery, and setting.
We’ve all at some point in our lives been faced with hard decisions that we have to make, decisions that would change who are and our lives forever. It is these decisions that test us mentally and physically. In Robert Frost poem “The Road Not taken”, he described himself traveling and then coming upon two roads and finding it hard to decide which one take. He uses this scenario to convey a message, which is that there are some decisions we make in life that that we can’t go back to so we have to deal with the consequences and think about how much different things would be if decided to do something else. In life, we have to make hard decisions, we sometimes find ourselves in dilemmas and have to make the most difficult decisions which in the end show us how strong we really are or how weak we are. Whichever decisions we pick or choices we make in a dilemma, we will always think back at the decisions we didn’t make and the options we didn’t take as Robert Frost did in “The Road Not Taken”.
The analysis of “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost has been up for debate since the poem release in 1916. It is known to be one of the most frequently misinterpreted poems of all time, and even Robert Frost himself has said the poem is “tricky” to comprehend (The). When analyzing this poem many readers tend to focus only on the last lines of the poem and get caught in a trap of selective-interpretation. Quite a few people after reading Robert Frost’s poem firmly conclude that this poem is about non-conformity and individualism, however, that is not the case. Robert Frost’s poem is meant to be analyzed line by line for a complete interpretation. Readers can conclude that the poem represents making choices in life, but that is not the
Almost every line in the poem “The Road Not Taken” hit home with me. In the third stanza, Frost talks about how the narrator chose one path and then second guesses himself. “Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.” This line made me think of my own life and decisions. I had to pick a road, and stick with it. However, that doesn’t mean that I didn’t doubt my decision and think about what would have happened if I took the other road, just as the narrator in The Road Not Taken did. In the last stanza, Frost takes it home with the lines “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” Again, the final lines sparked an image in my mind of my own situation in life and how the road I took really has made all the