
Analytical Essay: Baptist Ministry Of The Apostle Paul

Satisfactory Essays

Edward John Carnell 28 June 1919 - 25 April 1967 was a prominent Christian theologian and apologist, was an ordained Baptist pastor, and served as President of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He was the author of nine major books, several of which attempted to develop a fresh outlook in Christian apologetics. to preserve and propagate the glory of this seminary with a spirit of humility and joy. Abstract spiritual values must be avoided, for they can easily be used as a cover for irresolution and irresponsibleness. The glory of a theological seminary is expressed in concrete terms; such glory will have a dissatisfying plainness. The substance of love, for example. It is one thing to love humanity in the abstract; it is quite another thing to love one’s next-door neighbor. …show more content…

Complacent Christians do not see, or they do not want to see, that love has no abstract existence. Love is a series of concrete attitudes and acts. “Love is patient and kind,” says the Apostle Paul. first evidence of a seminary’s glory: namely, that with spiritual conviction and firmness of moral purpose the seminary strives to preserve and propagate the theological distinctive that inhere in the institution itself. Observe how vapid and uninteresting this sounds when compared with the more emotionally potent, though vastly more abstract suggestion, that a seminary’s glory, consists in its custody of the eternal gospel. Yet, the truth of the matter is this: a seminary family has not yet intelligently come to grips with the eternal gospel until it rises to its feet and concretely assents to its own theology. “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ His Only Son our Lord.” The concrete pins the seminary down to something specific while abstractions encourage evasion and irresolution. One mark of infidelity is a refusal to be committed to anything in

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