
Analytical Review Of Anne Moody 's Coming

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America 's Civil Rights History
Analytical review of Anne Moody’s Coming to Age in Mississippi
Plot Summary
The novel, Coming to Ages in Mississippi traces the lives of an African American family, their various experiences, struggles, and contrasts of ideas, as well as depicting the racial discrimination that characterized their environment. It then shows struggles by the black community in fighting for racial discrimination. It begins with a description of Anne’s family that consist of her mother, father, and younger sister. The family works in a plantation owned by a white man who does not extend amenities such as electricity and indoor plumbing to their quarters. Due to several grievances, Anne father leaves them to be with a lighter skinned woman, leaving them with a fifth member of the family, a new son. Anne’s mother relocates with her family severally working as either a waitress or a maid in white people’s home to provide or her family. The family is weighed by the lack of enough food and other necessities. Nevertheless, Anne performs well in school and soon starts working in white people 's homes to supplement her mother’s efforts. Some of her employers are good. They encourage her to continue with her education. They also treat her as an equal, sometimes they invite her to eat at the same table with them. Not all of her employers are nice, some bullied her and even tortured her.
Anne’s mother is having an affair with another light skinned man, Raymond,

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