
Analyzing Greg Beato's 'Internet Addiction'

Satisfactory Essays

Juan Jurado
Alexandra Mason
Read and Respond #3
Greg Beato “Internet Addiction”
Examining the Reading
1. Internet addiction is any online related, compulsive behavior that interferes with normal living.
2. One example found in the article of dangerous behavior caused by internet addiction is of a kid killing his mom and injuring his dad because they took away his xbox. Another example is of a couple who cared more about their online baby that forgot to take care of their living baby which ended up dying.
3. Adding Internet addiction to the DSM could cause health insurances to go bankrupt also criminals would be using internet addiction as an excuse for a crime they have committed and be protected by the law as it would be a disorder …show more content…

Internet addiction has increased so highly that it has become a disorder for this reason the first residential treatment facility has been created in order to treat people who are addicted.
2. The audience Beato address in this essay is anyone who might be addicted to the internet and the general public in order to inform them about internet addiction.
3. I chose paragraph 6 as is really detailed with statistics of when it first started compared to today and also he includes professional analysis. This paragraph does support the thesis because it states there is a percentage addicted to the internet.
Thinking Critically about the Reading
1. Beato uses statistics and works of professionals to support his thesis. They are reliable sources as they are real and can be proven not made information.
2. The authors tone in the essay is informative and in a way worried about internet addiction. I captured my attention in then reading because it made me realized there is a problem with this addiction.
3. On a pound-for-pound basis, the average World of Warcraft junkie undoubtedly represents a much less destructive social force than the average meth head. He does support this opinion.
4. The connotation of the word junkies stands for addicted, they can't live without

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