Juan Jurado
Alexandra Mason
Read and Respond #3
Greg Beato “Internet Addiction”
Examining the Reading
1. Internet addiction is any online related, compulsive behavior that interferes with normal living.
2. One example found in the article of dangerous behavior caused by internet addiction is of a kid killing his mom and injuring his dad because they took away his xbox. Another example is of a couple who cared more about their online baby that forgot to take care of their living baby which ended up dying.
3. Adding Internet addiction to the DSM could cause health insurances to go bankrupt also criminals would be using internet addiction as an excuse for a crime they have committed and be protected by the law as it would be a disorder
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Internet addiction has increased so highly that it has become a disorder for this reason the first residential treatment facility has been created in order to treat people who are addicted.
2. The audience Beato address in this essay is anyone who might be addicted to the internet and the general public in order to inform them about internet addiction.
3. I chose paragraph 6 as is really detailed with statistics of when it first started compared to today and also he includes professional analysis. This paragraph does support the thesis because it states there is a percentage addicted to the internet.
Thinking Critically about the Reading
1. Beato uses statistics and works of professionals to support his thesis. They are reliable sources as they are real and can be proven not made information.
2. The authors tone in the essay is informative and in a way worried about internet addiction. I captured my attention in then reading because it made me realized there is a problem with this addiction.
3. On a pound-for-pound basis, the average World of Warcraft junkie undoubtedly represents a much less destructive social force than the average meth head. He does support this opinion.
4. The connotation of the word junkies stands for addicted, they can't live without
Internet addiction is now considered to be a “grave national health crisis”(Dokoupil 2012, 27). Several cases have emerged where people went completely insane due to the abuse of technology. This was to the extreme where two parents were so addicted to taking care of their virtual baby, they forgot about their real child. The infant was neglected to death. Another case is of a son who turns on his own mother when she suggests “he log[s] off”(27). As a response, the young man beats his mother until she eventually dies. These aren’t the only examples of insanity and for this reason, for the first time in history, “Internet Addiction Disorder will be included...in an
This essay is informative because it shows how habits, and the mind, are changing because of the Internet.
In the article, “Caught in the Web: More People Say Heavy Internet Use is Disrupting Their Lives, and Medical Experts are Paying Attention” by January W. Payne argues that using technology too much, has consequences that can affect the people around, and the individual’s health as well. At the same time, many people use internet excessively, and do not realize that, they might get further from the outside world. According to a research by Stanford University, demonstrated, that people spend on the internet about 3 or more hours daily. Many people are getting addictive to the internet, because they see it as an escape from problems, while others use it as a way to relax themselves. As people addiction to the internet increase, people isolate
In The Veldt, the kids developed a severe technology addiction. According to BBC, the statistics for phone addiction are 20% higher than it used to be. It also states that it is harder for people to let go of an internet addiction than a substance addiction. This shows the statistics on internet addiction and how common it
Internet addiction has become a huge problem in today’s society. In Greg Beato’s article, he discusses the growing phenomena of internet addiction disorder. The writer explains that more and more people are becoming addicted to the internet. For example, he tells of a teenager in Ohio, who shot and killed his mom and injured his dad because they took away his Xbox. He tells how it is stated that five to ten percent of the 52 million internet users were addicted. The author is telling us that the internet has become very addictive in our everyday society.
This article will guide me through my research because it gives a vast perspective into the addictive world. It explains the issues of internet addiction, how it's emerging as a global concern, also how and why the internet has been integrated in our everyday lives.
The idea behind the internet was to revolutionize society and with over 3 billion individuals using it, it clearly succeeded (ITU, n.d.). However, individuals started coming online to check their email, watch a video, visit Facebook, or play an online game as a habit, may easily become addicted to these behaviors over time. According to the DSM-V, internet addiction applies to individuals who use the internet excessively, often without realizing how much time has passed, how much more they are using the internet and neglecting their basic needs, as well as, ignoring any negative impacts said internet use has caused (dsm). When not using the internet, the individual may feel withdrawal, angry, tense, and/or depressed; in addition, they may feel the need to have a better computer and more software, which is an internet-addicted individual’s form of tolerance (dsm). Time of use per day in those addicted to the internet is nearly double the time those who are not addicted spend online (Lee,
Behaviour is something we acquire and shape it to fit our requirements. Behaviour is shaped by an individual’s interaction with culture and environment. This behavioural report will focus on the undesired behaviour, which is the heavy internet usage. The report will aim to establish baseline, monitor the behaviour and execute treatments to reduce and control the undesired behaviour. Internet addiction is defined as the indulgent or overuse of the internet. Extreme internet use occurs daily in my life, regardless during anytime of the day. The undesired behaviour that is the internet addiction has to reduce the usage in order to have a positive impact on the life. The heavy internet usage has to be reduced, and in its place introduce hobbies and time for study. Boredom is the main cause for the need to use internet. In the internet there are comics, television shows and other activities that could help elevate boredom. Due to the heavy internet use, socializing with family and friends have been significantly reduced. The repeated heavy internet usage has an impact on the physical burden and mental stressors on my life. The internet usage has been a repeated behaviour since I was twelve years old. The internet usage has been my repeated behaviour for a long time
Addiction online has become very common in this day and age. With 88.8% of Americans having access to a device with internet there are plenty of individuals who have started drifting away from from their friends and family because of internet addiction. Internet addiction can become very dangerous for youths who are beginning to develop core learning skills which become essential later on in their adult life. It can cause students grades to take a harsh dip. This type of addiction can even cause cause financial problems. It can cause financial problems because of online gambling where a person would end up losing their sense of time and continuously spend their hard earned money on a risky decision that can lead to depression and and has the potential to strain family
A new epidemic has fallen over America and is spreading like wild fire across the states as more and more fall victim to its claws. That epidemic is known as internet addiction which many of today’s youths are prone to due to the widespread usage of technology. Excessive use of the internet has proven hazardous to the generation because it decreases cognitive ability, impairs social development, and increases health problems. Since the current American society relies heavily on technology and web searches through google, the internet has become a necessary essential and making addiction almost inevitable.
In the article, “The Bad, the Ugly, and the Good of kids Use of Social Media,” Jim Taylor gives us a definition of the phrase internet addiction. He states, “Internet addiction is commonly characterized as excessive use of internet that interferes with daily functioning and that can lead to distress or harm,”. The addiction from the internet surely has a price to pay. Internet addiction is harmful psychologically, addictions to the internet shouldn’t be our only concern when it comes to social media, and internet addiction has no age limit.
The term is being coined by Dr. Kimberly Young, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, in Bradford, Pa. With her paper's presentation, the APA will classify excessive Internet use as addictive, in the same way that drugs (including alcohol), gambling, video games, and some types of eating
Goldberg presented the first definition for Internet-related disorders, Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), as a behavioral addiction that serves as a coping mechanism and borrows from substance-dependence criteria from the DSM-IV (Garrison & Long, 1995, p. 20; Goldberg, 1996). Expanding the definition to include six "core components" of Internet addiction (salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, conflict, and
The ‘Internet’ is one of the most used search tool on the earth, used by majority of the world’s population for research, communication, conveniences, entertainment and much more. Over the years, cases in relation to negative transformation of human behaviors, where people are becoming emotionally depress, horrified, vulnerable, addicted through the internet has become a serious problem for many people around the world, including us.
The Internet is a technology that has negative impacts on our daily lives. It has changed aspects of our life for the last 50 years, and it has demonstrated the considerable influence on people’s lives. Almost 3.2 billion people in the world use the internet. The Internet has gained acceptance across the globe, and it has also become a reason behind the critical changes in the modern society. Some of the changes are social isolation, health disorder, lack of privacy and internet addiction.