
Anatomic Dissection

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The Human Gross Anatomy course teaches anatomical structure and its function. Allied health, graduate, and medical students – after completing their respective first year human gross anatomy courses – are expected to have learned the subject of the human body, providing a platform upon which further medical knowledge is built and clinical acumen is gained. Learning anatomy through two dimensional tools such as textbooks, atlases, and radiological images insufficiently prepares medical students for “the application of basic medical knowledge to alleviate morbidity” (Aziz, 2002). Dissecting “the cadaver… provides the best means of learning applied anatomy. The embalmed body objectifies the patient to allow the observer to begin clinically relevant …show more content…

A Video Tutorial for Anatomic Dissection is a tool that will enhance the educational experience through familiarization of the planned laboratory dissection, “thereby maximizing their learning during the gross anatomy lab” (Saxena, 2008). It has been proven that the use of video supplements allows for more efficient laboratory time and augments student appreciation of anatomical relationships as evidenced by increased examination scores (Granger 2007; Wilson …show more content…

“The skillful, mechanical, and topographical approach to this tissue is a prerequisite to gaining insight into anatomy” (Korf, 2007). Cadaveric dissection provides students with a “haptic appreciation of 3-D anatomy” (Turney, 2007). Students at the School of Medicine at the University of Melbourne found that dissection “provided them with a three-dimensional perspective of structures and helped them recall what they learnt” (Azer, 2007). It is through active dissection that students “gain an understanding of the inter-relationships between facts and the ability to abstract and generalize,” providing an opportunity to excel in both laboratory and written examinations (Padney, 2007). Wilson et al. at the University of Colorado School of Medicine found that students who studied in a complete traditional dissection-based anatomy course (when compared with those who took a condensed anatomy course, dissecting 15% of the laboratory sessions) scored significantly higher on both course examinations and on the anatomy section of the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) part I examination (Wilson, 1975). Furthermore, at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Granger and Calleson found that students who dissected every other lab

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