
Anatomy And Physiology: The Colorless Lymphatic System

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Lymph is a colorless fluid containing white blood cells, which will bathe tissue and drain through the lymphatic system into the bloodstream. If the lymph fluid is not balanced, it can result in swelling and possibly death. Lymph is also used as a defense for the body to fight infection and filter pathogens through the lymph vessels and spleen. A lymphocyte is a small white blood cell with a single nucleus. The lymph vessels carry fluid from the tissues to the circulatory system, and it moves from blood to capillaries. Lymphatic capillaries form to create lymph vessels which lack basement membranes making them more dense than blood vessels. Lymph nodes are smalls seed-sized swellings inside the lymphatic vessels where the lymph fluid will be filtered before it enters the blood stream. The spleen is the largest organ of the lymphatic system and is as large as a fist. The spleen's outer capsule is made of dense connective tissue, and the inner portion is made of smooth muscle tissue. …show more content…

The palatine and pharyngeal tonsils often become chronically infected and have to be removed while the lingual tonsils rarely ever do. As adults age, their tonsils will disappear. The thymus, just like the tonsils, will shrink as an individual ages. It is also responsible for helping with the immune system and is a triangular shaped organ located in the superior mediastinum. The circulatory system and the lymphatic system are connected because the circulatory system transfers fluid to the entire body, and the lymphatic system is responsible for draining excess fluid from tissues and returning it to the circulatory system. These two systems work together to keep a balance inside our bodies and help with homeostasis. Both the circulatory system and lymphatic system transport waste products, both are responsible for transporting substances throughout the body, and they both carry

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