
Ancient Egyptian Education

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The Ancient Egyptians built an empire of wealth and organization that blossomed in the continent of Africa, along the Nile River. Looking back, one can reflect on the impact that history has had on us. One ancient civilization that has created a long-lasting impression on the Western world is Ancient Egypt. This influence has shaped our education system, culture structure and community.

Our education system has been influenced greatly by the Ancient Egyptians. From the paper we write on, to our spreadsheets we organize data with, we see this culture everywhere. Mathematics is one area of education that has been greatly modelled after ancient Egypt. Without this mass creation, almost all careers and industries would be obsolete. The calculations of the Egyptians in this period were not always accurate because there were many concepts being tested. But this only opened up more opportunity for learning. Another aspect of education was the invention of the calendar. The Egyptians invented the days of the week and months. So without this type of record keeping system, our lives would be chaotic. How we learn as young children today, is the alphabet. This stemmed from the Egyptians creating ‘hieroglyphics’. They can be described as symbols to explain each word. This then encouraged other civilizations to create their own writing techniques. At a time, today when Latin and ancient Greek are rapidly vanishing from the school curriculum, more and more people are choosing to read

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