
Ancient Egyptian Mummification

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Ancient Egypt revolved around the belief that one was reborn after death and would be guaranteed eternal life if the body was preserved and buried properly. Their preparation consisted of extensive work on the construction of their tombs, preserving the body and making sure it was well protected for the journey of the underworld.

When not working on the royal tombs, the villagers of Deir el Medina would have worked extremely hard, building their tombs in preparation for their burial and afterlife. Though not nearly as elaborate the villagers tombs incorporated a number of characteristics associated with a Pharaoh’s royal tomb. Their tombs were located on the western side of the village, built into the face of the cliff. Within these tombs the walls were heavily decorated with funerary scenes. An example of this is found in the stonemason, Pashedu’s tomb. The tomb wall scene at the rear of the right wall displays Pashedu and his wife, situated on a boat with a table of offerings heading to the afterworld. Due to the incredible skills of the craftsmen of Medina, their own tombs were not only unique in design but also detailed in decoration. They believed that without plentiful tomb decoration their ka would not survive the journey to the afterworld and resurrection.

Mummification is widely associated with Ancient Egyptian practices as it was a common ritual linked to burial traditions. Egyptians believed that it was possible to live again after death. By preserving the

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