
Ancient Greece: The Peloponnesian War

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The Greek civilization was a great paradox, meaning that they had very bad failures but they also had great success. The Greeks were very divided, what I mean by that is that the Greek citizens were only loyal to their own poleis. These people would show no loyalty to Greece which lead to no political sense. Many people of Greece started to kill each other due to the conflict between each of the poleis. The Peloponnesian War was a war between the two city-states, Sparta and Athens. Sparta and Athens may have been two big parts of Greece but they did not get along, this lead to them fighting for years and years over small differences. Which brings me to my next point, Greece was highly militarized. What I mean by that is that they will solve everything …show more content…

The Greeks were not very rational thinkers, they would go into these wars with Sparta that lasted from 431 BC all the way to 404 BC, none of these wars had actual reasoning behind such crazy behavior. The Persians would take advantage of this by paying the citizens of the rival cities of Greece to go and kill each other so that they could peacefully become a bigger empire with no interruptions from the Greeks. Ancient Greece was in such a vicious cycle of violence that they thought the only way anything could be solved is to escalate a small issue and physically fight and kill over it. The Greeks on ancient Greece were very ethnocentric, what I mean by that is that they always thought their culture was the best. This caused them to not mesh well with any other civilization to combined armies and take on the Persian Empire. Instead of combining with Egypt, they went to war with them due to them being hardheaded. Greece had a Hierarchy, they had an alpha-male mindset; which means that they always thought that they were above another. The Athenians would always push down and belittle their

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