
Ancient Olympic Gamges to Modern Day Olympic Games Essay

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Spectators from all over the world have gathered together on one stage, leaving no seat empty in the grand arena. Cheers could be heard from all over the stadium as athletes from different towns and cities come out. These people, trained and ready, have come from throughout the land, gathered together in one spot to compete against one another. This was no simple competition. Not only is it for the people, but it is also for the gods, to see who will be declared victor amongst those who call themselves the finest over the rest. The moment the runner wielding the torch enters the stadium, everyone waits and watches in earnest anticipation. The cauldron is lit by the Olympic flame and the arena thunders with applause and hurrahs. The games …show more content…

Another reason as to why the ancient games are regarded highly is because Persian king Xerxes, “on hearing that Olympia awarded only wreath prizes, marveled that Greeks competed not for material reward, but “only for honor”” (Kyle 34). The games were often associated with “physical effort, fair competition…, and sacred truce” (Callebat 556). The ancient games were meant to create a sense of peace for festivities dedicated to their gods. To do something underhanded was not justifiable. Ancient Greece was not a unified state at the time of its birth up until the Macedonia king, Philip the II, conquered it. It was originally split up into many city-states, such as Sparta and Athens, which would fight amongst each other. At one point, the ancient games existed but it eventually went away due to all the conflict. However, according to Pausanias, a Greek traveler and geographer, the ancient games were brought back because “Greece was grievously worn [down from the] internal strife and plague” (“DESCRIPTION OF GREECE”). This is further supported by another Greek lyric poet, Pindar, who wrote “under the power of noble joys, malignant pain is subdued and dies, whenever god-sent Fate lifts prosperity on high” (“Pindar”). “Noble joys” could be interpreted as the festivities and the games while the “malignant pain” could

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