
Ancient Roman Art Of Entertainment

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Ancient Roman Entertainment The art of entertainment held many significant influences within the Ancient Roman society. Though it is known that certain means to achieve such spectacles were vicious and cruel, it ultimately satisfied the Roman peoples need for pleasure and excitement. Public displays varied from chariot races, musical and theatrical performances, to the more gruesome acts of wild beast hunts, gladiatorial games, and public executions. Most of the Romans daily leisure activities still remain in the realm of common recreational activities we still perform today, such as swimming, hunting, fishing, and even gambling. While the inner city state provided nearly all public entertainment events, citizens held their own interpretations beyond the outer city territories. Every distinguishable form of entertainment within the society held distinct and important influences throughout the ancient Roman culture, regardless of how they were formed or who cultivated them. Displays of mass public entertainment took on a number of different forms, from festivals such as ludi Megalenses, ludi Ceriales, to “ludi Circenses, (chariot racing in the circus) Venationes (games with animals, also in the circus, but later they took place in the amphitheater as well) and theatrical performances, ludi Scaenici” (Potter and Mattingly, 206). Although the games were religious in origin, they gradually acquired secular and political importance, becoming more prominent as the annual

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